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Everything posted by rcmaehl

  1. Server version should be 3.1.2 in title, not 3.2.1
  2. I wouldn't really mind the spam as it bumps my forum topic and thus generates more traffic to my server, however it causes the moderators to do more work and they need a vacation for all their hard work as it is. Profile spam on the other hand is just annoying.
  3. I asked #minecraft on IRC for an impartial opinion. Here's what they said: T 1373427903 19* Now talking on 22#minecraft T 1373427903 22* Topic for 22#minecraft is: Welcome to #hats | Read rules before chatting: http://goo.gl/jakNH | To talk, register your nickname. /msg nickserv help register | IRC Forums: http://minecraftirc.net | Join #minecrafthelp for minecraft help! | The birthplace of Minecraft. | It's official eat a toenail day! So do that! | Keyboard of the day: jast | Tip of the day: Don't sleep with your eyes open! T 1373427903 22* Topic for 22#minecraft set by [email protected] (24Tue Jul 09 03:38:26 2013) T 1373427903 -18ChanServ- [#minecraft] Please read the topic. If your client doesn't show it to you, use the "/topic" command to view them and current news. T 1373427906 20<rcmaehl> Yo nubs T 1373427911 20<rcmaehl> I need opinions T 1373427915 18<Toad> except they don't know you said no T 1373427922 18<Toad> and wouldn't care if they did T 1373427924 18<Mewtwo|AwakenedForme> Don't you dare call me a nub T 1373427925 20<rcmaehl> I banned a guy for hacking/modding, which is clearly stated in my rules as not allowed, because he was installing an xray texture pack, he says it's "useless for everything" should I unban him? Go T 1373427936 18<Mewtwo|AwakenedForme> nope T 1373427937 18<Toad> no T 1373427946 18<Mewtwo|AwakenedForme> If it's against your rules as a hack T 1373427951 18<Mewtwo|AwakenedForme> Then don't unban him T 1373427958 18<Mewtwo|AwakenedForme> Also, doesn't matter if it works or not T 1373427961 18<Mewtwo|AwakenedForme> He attempted to T 1373427963 19<fbt2creeper> rcmaehl, do you ban all clientside mods? T 1373427968 18<Mewtwo|AwakenedForme> Unappealable permaban T 1373427979 18<Nothing\> rcfreak0: absolutely not T 1373427984 18<Nothing\> a hack/mod is a hack/mod T 1373427985 20<rcmaehl> fbt2creeper, I ban as many as possible T 1373427989 18<Nothing\> doesn't matter if it's useful or not T 1373427994 18<Nothing\> if you make an exception for him T 1373428001 23* Tudor ([email protected]) has joined T 1373428001 18<Mewtwo|AwakenedForme> Including Rei's Minimap? D: T 1373428001 18<Nothing\> you'll have to make an exception for the next chap who does the same T 1373428008 18<Nothing\> hi tudor T 1373428010 24* rcfreak0 ([email protected]) has left T 1373428011 23* rcfreak0 ([email protected]) has joined T 1373428011 18<Tudor> zan's minimap > rei minimap T 1373428012 18<Nothing\> are you english royalty T 1373428018 18<Tudor> no T 1373428022 18<Nothing\> ok T 1373428023 18<Mewtwo|AwakenedForme> I am, though. T 1373428025 19<fbt2creeper> rcmaehl, uncluding maps and inventory tweaks? T 1373428028 18<Mewtwo|AwakenedForme> Kind of... T 1373428030 18<fbt2creeper> including* T 1373428031 18<Nothing\> Mewtwo|AwakenedForme: yeah? T 1373428039 20<rcmaehl> fbt2creeper, inventory tweaks is limited T 1373428042 18<rcfreak0> ? T 1373428043 18<Toad> you pinged the wrong guy Nothing\ T 1373428043 18<Mewtwo|AwakenedForme> My family used to be in the bloodline T 1373428050 18<Nothing\> Toad: i didn't ping anybody T 1373428050 18<rcfreak0> Stupid services shit T 1373428055 18<Mewtwo|AwakenedForme> But then my great great great grandfather dun fucked up T 1373428058 20<rcmaehl> fbt2creeper, e.g. auto armor equip is disabled T 1373428063 18<Mewtwo|AwakenedForme> Got us kicked out of the royal family T 1373428069 23* ntzrmtthihu777 ([email protected]) has joined T 1373428069 18<Toad> <Nothing\> rcfreak0: absolutely not T 1373428075 18<Nothing\> Mewtwo|AwakenedForme: i'm decended from german nobility on one side, and english nobility on the other T 1373428083 18<rcfreak0> Ah now i see why T 1373428084 18<Nothing\> Toad: i still don't follow T 1373428087 18<Nothing\> he was the one talking T 1373428088 18<Mewtwo|AwakenedForme> Orly nao? T 1373428088 18<rcfreak0> back to being away T 1373428089 18<Tudor> zan's minimap is a tad less pretty than rei's, but a whole lot more practical - mob radar that makes more sense, cavemapping that isn't a bunch of green T 1373428091 18<rcfreak0> No i wasnt T 1373428098 18<Nothing\> oh T 1373428099 19<Toad> no rcmaehl was the on talking T 1373428100 19<Mewtwo|AwakenedForme> Rcmaehl was the guy you were meant to ping T 1373428101 18<Tudor> and more zoom-out T 1373428101 18<Nothing\> i see now T 1373428102 19<rcfreak0> rcmaehl, was the one talking T 1373428104 18<Toad> one* T 1373428108 18<rcfreak0> very close though T 1373428108 18<Nothing\> you guys shouldn't have such similar names T 1373428108 18<ntzrmtthihu777> Tudor: oh wow, is it nice? T 1373428109 18<rcfreak0> heh T 1373428111 18<rcfreak0> I know right? T 1373428112 18<Nothing\> it confuses me T 1373428112 18<Tudor> yes T 1373428117 18<rcfreak0> It confused me too T 1373428118 18<Tudor> but you MIGHT have trouble finding it T 1373428124 20<rcmaehl> rcmaehl, is my name
  4. ABOVE QUOTE WAS EDITED FOR SPELLING Info about Randomdude123456789: IGN: Heavymarine106 Gender: Male Name: DJ Age: 13 Additional Info: Homeschooled, has some anger issues, banned from server for hacking/modding. Please control your anger, it seems to affect your spelling. Also, I'm glad you've seen worse admins, It proves I'm not that bad. Secondly, please don't exaggerate the story. You attempted to lag the server via an excessive amounts of nukes, in which you were murder to prevent additional lag. Would you rather we ban you for one hour? Anyway rcmaehl has been banned for 1 hour.
  5. I'm going to have to figure out all new ways to stop-gap all the laggy builds and exploits then since you put it that way. Unlike the majority of server owners, I greatly despise having to block placement of certain blocks, crafting of certain items, and the like. With Classic I patched the majority of issues and lag causing builds without addition plugins, and I'd like to do the same with the new. If anyone can point me to any resources having known lag causing builds, exploits, and the like affecting the new tekkit, it would be greatly appreciated.
  6. Oh, post signing. Sorry, I've been away for a while and I'm used to signing my posts elsewhere.
  7. This topic contains ways to fix or at least stop-gap and limit the lag causing builds and items that players have on Tekkit Classic without banning items or blocking block placements. All fixes doable without plugins are italicized. These are only the ones I remember, I will be adding in the other fixes I implemented in my own server after I finish comparing my configuration files to the defaults. If you would like a way to fix an exploit/lag issue on your server, I should be able to supply a couple of ways to do so without banning/blocking that item/block, just post "How do I stop whatever is happening from (lagging/crashing/greifing) my server?" below. 0. General and Recommend Fixes Decrease nuke power to 4-8 - (IC2.cfg) Disable anchor loading on start - (railcraft.cfg) Decrease forcefield sizes to 8-16 - (ModularForceFieldSystem.cfg) Limit view distance to less than 10 - (server.properties) Limit the amount of entities per chunk Decrease network updates for buildcraft - (buildcraft.cfg) Clean up all item entities every 30-60 seconds Disable redpower tubes from dropping items when full - (redpower.cfg) Set the minimum time-interval for Timers to 5+ seconds Modify the redset program in computercraft (requires lua knowledge) 1. Sugarcane EMC Farms General Fix #3 Restrict the number of sugarcane a user can place Restrict placement of sugarcane near DM Pedestals Restrict Harvest Goddess Bands from being placed in DM Pedestals 2. Cobblestone EMC Farms General Fix #3 General Fix #7 Disable Cobble for Block breakers - (redpower.cfg) Disable Water + Lava turning into cobble, stone, and obsidian
  8. Redownload the tekkit server, and overwrite all files that already exist. This fixed it for me.
  9. Not needed. Enable fakeplayer for computercraft and then restrict that fakeplayer from all areas you don't want it in. You can also prevent turtles from flying with default bukkit plugins with correct configuration (e.g. NoCheatPlus) to compensate for tekkit's exploits.
  10. I don't see how I'm not following the rules. I'm not trying to increase any popularity, I'm simply asking if Tekkit Classic is still popular despite the fact the new Tekkit is out.
  11. I've been away for a while and since then the New tekkit has come out. I ran a very successful anarchy server thanks to manually stop-gapping a lot of the lag causing builds and the ability to blow up spawn. However, since December the server has been offline due to me being on college. I would like to inquire about the popularity of the New tekkit vs tekkit classic. Is tekkit classic generally not played anymore, or is there still a large user base.
  12. Sorry for the lack of updates. I've been in college and haven't had time to manage the server. Server will be down for a few more hours while I figure out what the heck happened.
  13. It's only been down for 2 days... however the server is now up. If your base is missing you can either msg rcmaehl or anthrodragon when they're on with the coords or message our facebook page.
  14. ==NOTICE== The server will be down for a map regeneration all day 1/2/2013 in the Eastern US Time Zone. If you don't want the chunk with your stuff deleted message the coordinates to our facebook page!
  15. Server is up. There was times of downtime due to massive build up in the cache. Please visit Our Facebook Page for a vote. Oh yeah... Sorry about that ^^, I'll work on fixing that.
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