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Everything posted by Taranis
Sure. Go to www.minecraft.net, create an account and purchase minecraft. With the user name and and password log in in the Technic launcher and start the game. Hope that helps.
Fuel Cans not burning in My generator.
Taranis replied to Turtlicious's topic in Tekkit Classic Discussion
They are not working with the IC2 Version of Tekkit. The bug was fixed with IC2 1.9 I think, so it should work with the next Tekkit version. -
Browsing through the IC2 Bugforum I've found another bug. Apparently the redstone state will not be saved when a chunk unloads and reloads again. So the reactor will run when the chunk gets loaded again even with a redstone signal. Keep that in mind when you start that casuc reactor to prevent big bada boom ;)
I've found this in the Industrialcraft forum bug section: Nuclear reactors not working Seems like a bug of mcforge. There is also a workaround in that thread, maybe it works for you.
Tekkit 2.1, Windows, Java 64x Unexpected exeption?
Taranis replied to Black_Mist's question in Tekkit Classic
Have you also tried this? If nothing works and you can live without the advanced machines, then you could just disable them. -
Computercraft redstone input function?
Taranis replied to Happytor's topic in Tekkit Classic Discussion
From the computercraft wiki: "getInput(string side) Returns the current redstone input signal state on side" Have a look at the wiki here. -
I guess your server says "A Tekkit Server" because that is in the server.properties file you uploaded. The server they are starting loads that file but not the correct jar file. Are there any jar files in the root directory? If there is something like a "minecraft_server.jar" you could try to rename your tekkit.jar to the name of that jar file and start the server. Also if your provider is not offering java7, then disable the IC2AdvancedMachines mod in the modloader.cfg or you will get errors during startup.
It does not work because you don't read stickies or forum rules or forum titles ... For bugs go to the bug forum, there is a stickie that has the answer (install java7) you are looking for.
Things you could try: Connect the reactor to a mfsu with glass cable. Don't put it next to your reactor, the mfsu can output a redstone signal under certain conditions. Then have a look if it still stops working. If that does not work, then try placing the reactor somewhere else. There was a bug that the reactor won't work properly if it is placed directly on a chunk border if the reactor is in one chunk and a chamber in another chunk. No idea if that was fixed.
How do you turn off parts of a mod?
Taranis replied to Essentiality's topic in Tekkit Classic Discussion
Unfortunately there is no configuration option in IC2 to disable those armor sets. All you can do is prevent them from being crafted. There are some Bukkit mods that can do that. I think some are using WorldGuard for that and there should be quite some information about it in this forum. -
Open a command line and typt the following in: java -version Does it say Java SE Runtime Environment (build 1.7.0_xx-xxx)?
Have a look at this post maybe you find your answers in there. There are some tidbits of information in there. And please don't sign your posts, your name is clearly visible on the left side of your posts.
Re: Advanced Machines - No such Item I'm sorry but I have no more ideas then. Maybe you could check the server.log. It should say: [FINE] Mod Loaded: "mod_IC2AdvancedMachines v3.6" when the server starts. Maybe there are some clues in there.
Re: Advanced Machines - No such Item Maybe the BlockID is wrong. Check the AM config file of your server for "blockAdvancedMachine=188".
After reading your log I guess you have placed a buildcraft pipe somewhere next to a condenser. Have a look at this thread to prevent it in the future. I think your only chance to repair your map is to open it with an editing tool and remove the condenser or the pipe. I can't tell you what editing tool to use, have not used them for quite some time.
Re: Advanced Machines - No such Item Ask your server admin if Advanced Machines are disabled on the server. Some admins disable the mod so they don't have to install Java7 on the server.
As far as I know there is no fix for that problem other than disabling the IC2 sounds. To do that open the IC2.cfg file of your client in a text editor and change "soundsEnabled=true" to "soundsEnabled=false". On Windows7 the file is located in the "c:\Users\<your username here>\AppData\Roaming\.techniclauncher\tekkit\config\" directory.
Computercraft scripting help (Wireless modems)
Taranis replied to zsakulkill's topic in Tekkit Classic Discussion
The wireless redstone transmitter can only transfer redstone signals (on/off) so you would have to recode your message into binary and transfer it bit by bit. The receiver could then recode your message to characters again. No idea what frequency you could use, but I think it would be rather slow and unreliable. -
Set copper cables to glass fiber cables with WorldEdit?
Taranis replied to Backplague's topic in Tekkit Classic Discussion
That is the ID of the inventory item, the Block ID of cables is 228 according to the ic2 config file. No Idea what the ID of glass fiber cables is, maybe 228:9? No idea if it is even possible to replace them, so please make a backup before you try. -
There is a modpack.jar in the bin folder which seems to contain modloader, minecraftforge ond some other essential mods other mods depend on. I guess the launcher loads that jar together with the minecraft.jar. You could try to put the contents of the modpack.jar into the minecraft.jar and delete the meta-inf directory in the minecraft.jar. (in the tekkit\bin directory) Then replace the .minecraft directory with the tekkit direcory and start your vanilla minecraft launcher. Just tried it and it worked for me but not without problems. After starting the vanilla minecraft launcher it updated to 1.2.4. So you should make a backup of you modified minecraft.jar before you start the launcher. If it updates exit the launcher and replace the new downloaded minecraft. jar with the backup you just created. Backplague already told you to take a backup but I will tell you again. Please make a backups. Good luck!
Have a look at this thread. Edit: And this thread.
Install Java7 or disable the IC2 Advanced Machines.
IC2 Advanced Machines need Java 1.7. I guess you have 1.6 installed.
Setting up a server on VeryGames VQSi
Taranis replied to Ziibez's topic in Tekkit Classic Discussion
Please have a look at this and this Looks like you have to wait for VeryGames to update to Java 1.7 if you want to use the current Tekkit build. -
Zeppelin mod is single player only at the moment. A smp version is listed under future plans.