Age: 16
IGN: Hotspur125
Have you ever been banned, if so, explain why and how many times you have been banned: For the life of me I cant remember, I'm pretty damn sure I've never been banned from a Minecraft or Tekkit server, but I have been banned from a TF2 server for shouting at a young German child in voice chat .
*EDIT* Just remembered I got banned once because my 'friend' turned someone's creeper in a suit statue to Hitler. *EDIT*
Why do you think you should join this server (5-6 Sentences):
I've been looking really hard for a small whitelisted Tekkit server with a small close-knit community that doesn't have tonnes of mods banned. I've joined a lot of big servers and I feel that if you aren't with a friend then its a bit dull, and hard to meet new people where there isn't much sense of a community. I love to work with other people on creating machine systems and buildings and anything in Minecraft/Tekkit really (part of the reason that I want to be on a small server with like-minded people) I really would just like a nice friendly place to play on, I'm fine working alone but I have played a lot of Tekkit on my own and now I would like to play with others .
Why should we accept you to this server (5-6 Sentences):
I'm a nice sociable guy ( even if I say so myself). I'd say my strong point is building but I am also getting better with machines, as I've said I like to work with others but I'm not going to moan if no one wants to play with me. I have recently stopped playing with a group of friends because while I was away they all had a falling out and I didn't bother getting involved so I'm looking for a new group of people to play with and talk to so I think a server of this size is just right. I'm not the kind of person to beg or steal because I like to start off from scratch, ever since I was a kid I hated cheating in items and things on games because I feel it ruins the whole experience.
Have you read and studied the rules:
I have done and I see nothing wrong with any of them, just the sort of thing I would expect really.
What will you do for the server (5-6 Sentences):
Well as I've said my strong point is building and I know that a lot of people are great with redstone and machinery but they can't build for sh*t (excuse my French) so if I were to work with people I am totally fine with building the places for people to house their machinery and all that gubbins in. As I have also said I'm not too bad with machinery and things as well, but I can be a little bit lazy sometimes. ( thought it best not to act like I'm the second coming of the lord Jesus Christ). If i am accepted and then if i am trusted afterwards I am fine with being a staff member, as I'm pretty mature when I want to be, although I think on such a small server there probably isn't much of a need for that sort of thing.
Thank you for reading my application, tried to include enough detail but I can't really be sure. I don't think I can really express how much this is the perfect server for me as far as I can see.
Thank you also for your consideration.
Hotspur out.