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Everything posted by name_guy

  1. for all server owners wanting to ban items and blocks: blacklist in worldguard works with bukkit forge 149 ,tekkit 0.5.5. (/server/plugins/worldguard/worlds, copy your finished blacklist to all worlds) this is my list: [tnt] ignore-groups=admins on-place=deny,notify,kick [237] ignore-groups=admins on-place=deny,notify,kick [239] ignore-groups=admins on-place=deny,notify,kick [327] ignore-groups=admins on-place=deny,notify,kick [373] ignore-groups=admins on-use=deny,notify,kick [397] ignore-groups=admins on-place=deny,notify,kick [11559] ignore-groups=admins on-use=deny,notify,kick [11561] ignore-groups=admins on-use=deny,notify,kick [27003] ignore-groups=admins on-use=deny,notify,kick [30208] ignore-groups=admins on-use=deny,notify,kick [30214] ignore-groups=admins on-use=deny,notify,kick [30215] ignore-groups=admins on-use=deny,notify,kick [31998] ignore-groups=admins on-use=deny,notify,kick
  2. thanx
  3. thanx
  4. hi where does one download the developement builds for servers?? 0.5.3, 0.5.4, 0.5.5
  5. world edit doesnt work anymore???? nvm i wasnt opped to test something
  6. yes me to. im using 7,5 gb ram without (players even) normally about 3 to 4 im using bukkit forge build 126
  7. yes //regen does not work //up does not work aswell
  9. sunday essentials works 100%, i disabled tnt, nuke, itnt, mininglaser and dynamite, now tekkit client is updated, and essentials is completely bypassed again :( now its a grief fest again......... and the plugins are some how doubled, into normal .jar and ported plugins........ whats goin on?
  10. jivaii you can select 0.5.3 in the launcher, first do , options then manual build selection then 0.5.3
  11. FINALLY!!! TNT=disabled ITNT=disabled mininglaser=disabled nuke=disabled
  12. FINALLY, i can block tnt ,nuke, ITNT, and mining laser with the new essentials link (blacklist them in order of ascending numbers , exampl 46,237,239) my suggestions: blacklist: # Which blocks should people be prevented from placing placement: 10,11,46,88,237,239,327,397,11559,11561,30208,30214,30215,31998 # Which items should people be prevented from using usage: 88,327,397,11559,11561,30208,30214,30215,31998 so happy now
  13. ow my bad , i thought new links ment new working versions ^_^
  14. new links: coreprotect: still no ingame info available multiverse:world creation failed,mv tp failed essentials:chat doesnt work anymore,tnt stillexplodes world edit:no improvements what exactly is the function of the new links? ill try a complete server rebuild
  15. after a vote under the players we decided to switch back to creative mode.... currently this means,that your house can be blown up with tnt or mining laser,so ask for a bedrock box untill tekkit customizer and coreprotect are back,OR hide your house
  16. hello No disrespect to the developers intended, without them we wouldnt even have tekkit,and my programming skill level is alarm clock BUT, Lite should never have been released at this time..... why is it that the getting plugins thread to work has almost 18.000 views I am a server owner and lite has been nothing but frustration and headache for me.when i heard of the merge with tekkit and minecraft 1.4.6 i thought this is a dream come true, but is quickly became a nightmare. for the past 2 weeks my day has been as follows: 2 hours per day server repair, 3 hours per day listening to players complain,2 hours per day scavenging the forums for solutions ive been lsitening to 100`s of players whining non stop to me, "why doesnt this work , why doesnt that work, i cant tp, my zone is griefed , help me im beeing greifed."..............and so on.... i cant run a server without plugins, and the plugins that do work dont work a 100%.........more errors in the console then in terminators head when he was lowered in magma. forge? bukkit? bukkitforge? forgebukkit? im not a developer but a user.making everything work is a freaking nightmare. i had minecraft servers for years and had a tekkit classic server for years, and i have never ever seen so many problems. since i started this light server on day 1 ( i was the first lite server in the server post on this forum ) i had to rebuild the server more then 20 times, i had to make a new world more then 50 times, no joke.... ive been messing around with the configs and it doesnt work and is not compatible with plugins put tnt on false, guess what? still blows up. put explosions on false,guess what? still blows up. there is also something in the codes that players percieve as lagg, 2 weeks now, people say to me lagg lagg laaaaaagggggg, and im tired of it, i used to have 2 servers with 6 gb ram dedicated each on this pc ,and now i have 1 tekkit lite server on the pc with 12 gb ram dedicated and the exact same internet provider, and people laggg laggg laggggg, i never had lagg complaints when i had 2 servers with less ram so whats going on??? i know that at this very moment many great developers are trying to make it all work, and im gratefull for that, but lite should not have been released at this time i, as a server owner, am the frontman to the players, and ive been catching nothing but nastyness from people......ive been called names and other horrible stuff, because it doesnt work.... total server meltdown, make a new world "where is my house, i had an awesome house, this server sux!!!" so ill just wait untill i have core protect and tekkit customizer so i can run a server............
  17. nevermind guys, i put 1.4 in and changed my port to 8111 and it works now ^_^
  18. Extract dynmap/ to ~/ what exactly is ~/ ???????? i cant get dynmap to work, i put the 1 zip in mods, and the other folder in the server folder. i openen port 8123 on tcp, wehn i go to the local ip with :8123 in my browser i only see a white screen with Directory: / tiles/ 0 bytes 17-jan-2013 20:23:18 i used to see my dynmap world on with this method, what am i doing wrong? /dynmap fullrender works, i just dont see anything in the browser
  19. does anybody have in-game information with coreprotect (/co i)??
  20. how? when i put the laser in the block list with ic2 people can still use it......
  21. worldguard regions works with protection against normal block placing and breaking , but tekkit lite still has some items that can bypass this, since my protected region was griefed. like the mining laser, and possibly others to
  22. eseential doesnt work as it should, the blacklist items can still be placed, block tnt-explosion: true = fail
  23. does anybody know a fully functional way to ban tnt industrial tnt,nuke and mining laser and others? i always used tekkti ccustomizer with classic, but it doesnt work anymore
  24. me to it keeps saying: no block was placed at this location
  25. did you update fro classic? if so you need to convert your world and backup before you do (i zip my entire server folder with winrar to backup) http://forums.technicpack.net/threads/how-to-convert-tekkit-classic-world-to-tekkit-lite.34915/page-3#post-296099
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