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Everything posted by name_guy

  1. hi guys does your world edit stop working after some time, and then get functionality back after a server restart? mine does....
  2. is there an e.t.a of tekkit customizer, or another truly effective item banner?
  3. Title: unlimited items in spawnprotection Version: 0.5.1 OS: windows7 Java Version: java 7 Description of Problem: when people break blocks in the default spawn protection area, the get the material of the block , but the block does not break due to the protection, so if there is an ore blockl they get unlimited ore( survival mode) Error Messages: Error Log:
  4. me to
  5. hi i just rebuilt my server,and now not a single bukkit plugin works, and there is no forge essentials folder..... the server loads MUCH faster then normal........ this server was build after forge was back up... does anybody know more about this?
  6. yes , i do. 4 days now, people shout lagggg laaaaagggggg laggggggg, and im tired of it.... so tired i had to cencor the word lag.... i used to have 2 servers running simultainiously on this same pc with the same internet provider with the same speed, 1 tekkit classic and 1 minecraft both having 6 gb ram dedicated, never any lag.......... now 1 tekkit lite server with 10 gb dedicated and no more normal minecraft server, and all day i hear, lagggggggggg laggggggggg
  7. sorry guys, server keeps chrashing over and over.......... i cant manage a creative mode server without plugins working a 100%, so untill that time , the server is survival mode
  8. hi guys, the server now has the original world from my tekket server converted and inserted..... that means that its not a test server anymore, and your creations can be permanent. :)
  9. thanx, i used this method, some systems seem to be reversed after the conversion. i ahd shutters infront of the windows with pistions, and a lever turned them on, now the lever turns them off
  10. you win many new and nice items and features
  11. this works http://dev.bukkit.org/server-mods/world-border/ --------------------------------------------------------------- worldguard can make regions,but the tnt blocking does not work, and other config settings are not recognised
  12. Thread now with pretty colors for added enjoyment!!
  13. ow and btw.............thank you so much for telling me how to get plugins to work!! :)
  14. i got these working: -simply vanish -rotate things -tekkit toolkit (tekkit reload) -automessage does //set command work for you guys with world edit, it doesnt for me in lite . i can only do //cut?
  15. yes we really should....... if i had plugins working i would certainly do that..... as you can read in this main post we cant expect the developers of all the plugins to just make it compatible in a day
  16. Please dont use nukes with 10 people at the same time!! thats not testing new features of Tekkit, thats messing around.....
  17. yes i was testing to get people to build, i had to op them and it was a griefing nightmare you can come back on
  18. NOW WITH PROBUILDER RANK...........HAS WORLD EDIT!!!! Server IP Server rules Dont grief,Dont swear,Dont ask to be admin or op,turn machines off when you log out NO mods removed/disabled from the base Tekkit Lite Pack NO banned items that are from mods not listed as disabled. Wordguard,rotate things,automessage,simply vanish.essentials are currently working (more will come) The expected uptime of the server = 24/7 Open server (no whitelist) So come and test the new AWESOME tekkit with many new and exciting features....... -Griefing peoples creations is NOT allowed,GRIEF = BAN! -Please make sure your machines are turned off before you leave to reduce lagg for the other players! PROBUILDER CREATIVE WAS THE FIRST TEKKIT LITE SERVER IN THE WORLD. AND IS NOW THE FIRST TEKKIT LITE 0.6.1 SERVER WITH WORKING PLUGINS!!! Owner: name_guy
  19. how, i cant find the ic2 1.97 anywhere and cant find any 3.1.2 tekkit jar?
  20. Why dontthe standard server and client software match?????? when i download the server software from the main page,and download the client software from mainpage, both totally standard and unchanged...............the client cannot connect to the server. becasue of missing computercraft 1.41,industrialcraft-2-client_1.103,railcraft_client_5.4.7. This just doesnt make sense! i converted my minecraft server to tekkit and now all the players have to put these mods in the app data,i will loose all the players.......... the standard server and standard client should match,and this is logical
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