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Everything posted by Chanku

  1. Thaumcraft 2 was good, although the taint corruption is what made it good, in my opinion.
  2. lets just wait and see.
  3. So looks like we know what that probably is. So I guess we solved what the page change means, unless we are wrong.
  4. It seems to be that way. they also Caker said "and it's in the opposite direction that most mod packs go into" at 21:45. It seems that most mod packs go towards tech, so it seems to be a magical pack. Although again we just have to wait and see.
  5. I think there are a few possibilities with this. It could be a hint towards the launch of another pack, which in this video there is a mention of another pack, which was originally meant to launch before the new tekkit, but it was right when 1.4.7 was ending, so they didn't launch it.The pack is mentioned by CanVox at 5:05, and again by sct at 21:03. Although what CanVox mentioned might be something different than what sct mentioned, but I doubt they are different packs. However chances are, that I am wrong on this, and it probably has something to do with a pack that is already out. Guess we have to wait and see.
  6. In Limbo trying to find my way out.

  7. In-Game Name Chanku Age and Global Location? 13, US Have you ever been banned before? No Why do you play SMP? So I can play with others, and to help spread my knowlage You know this is a member application right? Yes How long have you been playing Minecraft? Before maps were added, so sometime in beta How did you find us? Browsing the Tekkit Forums What's your favorite color? Black, among others Will you please make an account on our Website? Yes, unless I can't. Anything else you want to add? I've ran a Modded server before.
  8. IGN: Chanku Age: 13 Experience with Tekkit: I've played with Tekkit Classic for a while, and I've played a little bit with Tekkit lite. I've also played on this a lot, so I do know a lot about this new Tekkit. How long you have been playing for:Playing Minecraft: Back before Maps were added Playing Tekkit: A few months What you are good at (Buildings, etc.): Designing efficient systems, and then improving on them. Why you think you would be a good addition to the server: Because I have a lot of experience in Buildcraft. I'm also easy to get along with, as I don't cause much a disturbance, and since I'm friendly, I can help others.
  9. Minecraft IGN: Chanku Age: 13 Gender: Male Location: US Why do you want to play on T4?: Because I've been playing on a small sever with a few friends for a while now, but because of an Error, with the server I can no longer join. Besides I wish to gain more information on this new Tekkit, and help others. This server also seems interesting as it has no disabled items, which I enjoy. Also I can get along with anyone. Describe your past experiences in Minecraft, in particular modded servers: I'm able to get along with anyone, and I usually don't cause much of a disturbance, meaning I've never been banned on a Minecraft server. I've also ran a Public Tekkit classic server for a few months, so I know what it is like to run a modded server. I have Admin on two servers, although I'm not active ATM due to the computer I mainly use can't play minecraft, it can barely play YouTube videos, but I digress. To some it all up, I've had a good experience with Minecraft, and Minecraft Servers.
  10. Well, chances are the authentication servers went down. The fact it is around the holidays probably doesn't help either. I just bought minecraft, one of the reasons is so I could play tekkit with my friends. Looks like I will have to wait until it is fixed, oh well.
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