Name/Nickname: Bubloi. (this nickname its from Dominican Republic guy, who is famous making music)
IGN: bigchanges.
Time Zone: USA NorthEast.(NY)
Will you use Ventrilo? (to talk / interact with the community) yeah, I'm not gonna lie but, i never use it before but, i can handle it.
Will you be a dedicated player on our server? well, I'm not playing all day because school and I'm in 11 grade and for me its getting difficult this year but, at least i play Friday to Sunday and I'm gonna tell you that in one day i make a lot of progress I'm not kidding, I'm not saying I'm better then other people but, i telling the true
Why should we add you/a little bit about yourself: well, I don't have lot of time playing Tekkit but, i know a lot of things because in Tekkit I'm a alchemical and engineer guy i love build and decorate, like i love doing machines and and condence things. In real life I'm a guy who love games like call of duty and thing like that but, when i see video of Minecraft and Tekkit i fell in love with this games and now i just stuck in this two games but, the one I enjoy more is Tekkit because you can do more thing than in Minecraft. I will understand with all my respect, why u don't accept me but, i hope you accept me.
Brayne Gonzalez lopez (my real name)