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About bigchanges

  • Birthday 02/04/1997

bigchanges's Achievements


Dirt (1/9)



  1. please dont offende me but, when im gonna play tekkit online with other server (yes im using tekkit classic) they dont let me in they say " the server requieres you to have the following mods" then, it give me a lot of mod like "mod_buildcrafttransport 2.2.14, mod_additionalpipes (minecraft 1.2.5, buildcraft 2.2.14, forge 3.0.75)" and more and more mods please help me i dont know what happend to my tekkit. (please give me an good answer no an stupid one)
  2. is this a whitelist servece because i cant join your servece. i trying to get in to a servece by a long time.
  3. lol im seriously not a griffer. if you think so go tell lisherman i was in his village.
  4. hooo ok i though i get kick from your servece. sorry for the bad understanding. and one more thing if you start another servece will you be able to put all the thing that we have in the old one? or we lose every thing?. i hope we get all the things back that will be a rage quit lol. jk.
  5. ahhh.. why i cant log in to your servece man. my IGN: bigchanges. can you tell me if you band me or something because i cant join your servece rigth now. if you can answer please tell me faster. (no pression)
  6. well, like you say, yes im really interesting to play because I'm tired of people who like griff, I'm tired of people who don't have life, I'm tired playing online with people I do not know i just want to make friends and know them like i know my friends of high school and thing like that and I'm talking for real i don't want to be boring again with other servece and other after another im tired finding servece with not pvp, just with friendly people who make me laugh but more then nothing NO HOMO!
  7. what happend to the servece i getting boring this xmas, and i dont want to go to other servece its boring and they have pvp, i hate pvp
  8. what happend to the servece i getting boring this xmas, and i dont want to go to other servece its boring and they have pvp, i hate pvp
  9. hi, my name in the game is bigchange, i will like to join your servece just if i have a neightbor in this sevece because im not gonna lie its so boring playing alone all day. i hope is 24/7 and no, im not a noob or duch im just intersting to play with people like in a village. if all is like that i will be happy to join. please reply because i dont want to get in and all the world its just only me. Thank you!
  10. APPLICATION: Name/Nickname: Bubloi. (this nickname its from Dominican Republic guy, who is famous making music) IGN: bigchanges. Age:15. Time Zone: USA NorthEast.(NY) Will you use Ventrilo? (to talk / interact with the community) yeah, I'm not gonna lie but, i never use it before but, i can handle it. Will you be a dedicated player on our server? well, I'm not playing all day because school and I'm in 11 grade and for me its getting difficult this year but, at least i play Friday to Sunday and I'm gonna tell you that in one day i make a lot of progress I'm not kidding, I'm not saying I'm better then other people but, i telling the true Why should we add you/a little bit about yourself: well, I don't have lot of time playing Tekkit but, i know a lot of things because in Tekkit I'm a alchemical and engineer guy i love build and decorate, like i love doing machines and and condence things. In real life I'm a guy who love games like call of duty and thing like that but, when i see video of Minecraft and Tekkit i fell in love with this games and now i just stuck in this two games but, the one I enjoy more is Tekkit because you can do more thing than in Minecraft. I will understand with all my respect, why u don't accept me but, i hope you accept me. sincerely, Brayne Gonzalez lopez (my real name)
  11. i am engineer and alchemist guy i love doing thing like decorate, condence stuff, and build.

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