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Status Updates posted by TheBytemaster

  1. You can get away with a surprising amount of things if you yell "FOR SCIENCE" while doing them. Seriously, try it.

    1. _Mataroyale_Modpacker_


      Perfect reason to skip work tomorrow.

  2. In space, no-one can hear you fart. Unless you fart into a mic. In which case, ew.

    1. Dentcat


      I take it you know from personal experience?

  3. There is no law of nature that says you cannot do something that you do not already know how to do.

    1. TheBytemaster


      If you give up immediately when you don't know how to do something, you are defeating yourself.

  4. I found something I think you'll like.


    1. _Mataroyale_Modpacker_


      The balls...they are too OP.

  5. Still confused or did you figure it out?

    1. Kocken926


      I don't know., and now I'm confused!


    1. Richs_Yard


      One is the loneliest number that'll you'll ever see... Two and be just as bad as oneee

  7. Ever on and on, I continue circling...

  8. Reading through the kitty jail archives. You sir, are a genius.


    1. Mooseman9


      Heh, I remember this. Thanks for finding it!

  9. Hurr durr rotate 240 radians.

    1. Kocken926


      Yeah. And what was worse was that it had to do the action under a timeframe, which I had set to a 0.8 seconds. So it tried to rotate it's wheels 240 radians in 0.8 seconds...
      Fun times weren't had.

  10. So your life has basically become this? https://imgur.com/gallery/iIm1Sp1

    1. dwwojcik



      It is super fast

  11. I might be murdered for asking, but is your new avatar from something or just random?

    1. _Mataroyale_Modpacker_


      League of Legends. If you go on to youtube and search "Orianna", you will find she will sound just like GLaDOS.

  12. So where did your avatar come from anyways? Did you make it?

    1. theprolo


      Yeah. I first randomly drew it while bored in a science lesson, and then it just stuck. Then Fluffy came from Soupa's art thread

  13. Browsing the smoldering ruins of your page is like a trip down memory lane.

    *clears throat*

    hELLO hOW ArE yOU

    1. Kocken926


      I'm the best. Arooouund.

  14. Virustotal has now become one of the entries on my chrome homepage. Not sure what that says about me. SCAN ALL THE THINGS.

  15. Raw ramen noodles, why are you so delicious?

  16. Nice avatar change. I think I like this one better.

  17. Shinigami like apples. Domo-kun does not like apples. Therefore, Domo is not a shinigami.


    Or maybe that's what he wants us to think.

  18. Can anyone else hold in their sneezes? Or am I a superhuman?

  19. Where on earth is Carmen Sandiego the Kitty Jail?

  20. As the size of an explosion increases, the number of social situations it is incapable of resolving approaches zero.

  21. Don't disappoint me... or I'll make you wish you could die.

  22. Snarks and recreation.

  23. Wrench wench bench clench sentch...ery,

    Hey, I tried.

  24. Hoop, hoop, hoop, hoop, hoophoophoop and a basketball!

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