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About dolf

  • Birthday 10/07/1980

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Grass (2/9)



  1. How about posting: "Thanks for the feedback, we will look into it. Next time you find a bug please use this LINK." - How hard is that? The only downside to tekkit is the community. @Cerevox @Epikos1994 You are the only ones complaining in this thread. Complaining about other people complaining (which wasn't the case) /slowclap. Dracoix put a lot of work into figuring out why something isn't working as intended. Then he posted how to reproduce the bug. Then the "awesome" community slams the door on you for not posting it in the correct section :S All you got out of this was actually WHERE the bug was posted?!? Amazing. I'm probably gonna get banned or warned or something, but you should really read this thread through again, and probably take a look at @Cerevox @Epikos1994 and ask yourselves wether or not they were just trolling/flaming under cover of a somewhat arrogant reply from a moderator.
  2. I'm surprised MFFS is still in the there, when Thunderdark has stopped modding: Don't get me wrong, I prefer MFFS over AFS. Has anyone taken over the project? If not, then what? :S
  3. check if [buildcraft] is OP'ed. Nevermind... skipped through your post.
  4. Some times I think these modmakers are little kids. They sure behave like it. Ontopic: I never liked railcraft, so I was actually somewhat relieved when it was taken out :)
  5. Well done Hope you figure it out.
  6. I had a similar problem a while back, but a clean gfx driver reinstall fixed it for me.
  7. redpower timer = lagspikes At least that's what I experienced. I got a rather significant lagspike at each tick the timer did, and it matched perfectly with the intervals. If I set it to 1 sec, then the lag occured every second - 5 sec timer = 5 sec intervals between lagspikes. And it wasn't just me, the entire server noticed it.
  8. This is a mod-collection, so I guess support isn't a priority. There has been at least 3 other threads like yours with no answers or help, so I guess that forcefields are just broken and that theres no fix around the corner. http://forums.technicpack.net/threads/i-need-help-with-my-forcefield-setup-might-be-a-bug.36355/ http://forums.technicpack.net/threads/force-field-intermittent-smp-bug.38219/ http://forums.technicpack.net/threads/multiple-forcefields-cancelling-each-other-out.36339/
  9. I've got the same problem and made a post about it some time ago, but it got no answer. Haven't played since - still hoping for a solution though.
  10. I had another go at it, and it seems to be working now. I don't know what was wrong though, because I've set it up exactly like it was before :S Thanks for the input anyway
  11. I've set up 2 teleporter blocks with 2 MFSUs (fully charged) at seperate locations, but the teleport is only working from 1 of the locations. I got dimensional anchors at both places too. I saw that someone over at the Tekkit Classic wikipage had a similar problem, so just wanted to hear if this is actually working as intented. The wiki descriptions suggests otherwise though - that it should work both ways.
  12. Probably same problem I have. Would be great if anyone has a solution :)
  13. Looks weird Maybe try clearing cache via the launcher. (maybe that single slot is the output, and the 3x3 slots are further back to the left?)
  14. I'm running a server, and we recently got 2 seperate players with forcefields - 2 cores, 2 projectors. Whenever he (the other player) turns his on, my forcefield shuts down. We are far away from each other, both forcefields are sufficiantly powered, but somehow there can only be 1 forcefield core running at a time. Has anyone else experienced anything like this?
  15. I'm not talking about the client - I'm talking about the server. When I run it for the first time it starts downloading files like usual, but stops at that link and as you can see it's a 404 page. Once your server is up it's not a problem, but I would imagine everyone else that wants to start a server gets this error as well. java error: Caused by: java.io.FileNotFoundException: https://github.com/ForgeEssentials/ForgeEssentialsMain/raw/master/lib/sqlite-jdbc.jar
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