Listen very carefully:
I understand that you guys can choose to not give a fuck to them, but what makes them the most idiotic, asshol-ish self-entitled fuck-wits you've seen? Only because they don't have money to buy a game? I seriously tought you guys where more liberal and mind-opened... I totally disagree with paying for stuff so trivial like games... but that's the way shitty capitalism works, huh?
The game costs 48 Reais (Brazil currency), in direct conversion. A common salary for someone in Brazil is about 5000 Reais, which is 2770 Dollars. Working 8 hours a day (which is common), you'll get 28,5 Reais per hour. So you need to work 1,7 hours to buy a game... isn't there something wrong? I think there is... and it's all in DIRECT MONETARY CONVERSION, because if you don't have a international credit card, you'll need to pay taxes and more taxes... also, 5000 Reais is common for people in Medium monetary situation, and almost half the people in Brazil are quite poor and recives 2000 Reais per month, which means 1108 dollars (In direct conversion).
Anyway, it isn't your guys fault, I just was thinking why you think piracy is so fucking wrong. If the companies weren't getting the money they want, they would stop producing games. Piracy isn't evil: what is evil is companies whanting to fucking swim in money...