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Posts posted by Maxis010

  1. Simple fix

    1. Move the launcher OFF of your desktop
    2. Create Shortcut to Launcher
    3. Place Shortcut on Desktop

    These files are auto-created on launch (just like server.log and lck and crash files)

    You can also look over the config and try to find a option to disable this file, I looked at the LP file and didn't see anything, that said it was a 30 second sweap

  2. with forge, do i need to install it on the client side and have all the players do the same ? or is it like bukkit and i just put it in the mods folder ?

    and thanks a ton for the links!

    Forge mods are client and server

    Thanks to the launcher's custom zip and custom mods capability it's very easy (once you get your head around it)

  3. I was playing Tekkit Lite, and.... I see it have "Treecapitator" and don't have "Forestry", i search in the site from this "retire mods from the mod pack" but.... nothing! Someone or an FM (Forum Master e.e) can help me? If the launcher don't have this mechanism.... Please! I want it ! Or retire the TreeCapitator please!!!!

    Good luck getting Forestry to work, it is one of several mods that the authors asked to be pulled and (unconfirmed on my end) has code designed to troll and/or crash tekkit

  4. To be frank I could give a rats ass about mods that aren't in the Tekkit pack, I have no intention of ripping out my server install to run another mod pack. I damn sure won't be bothered to have to manually cobble together a bunch of mods into the minecraft_server.jar to create a server experience like Tekkit...if there was no Tekkit. Simple facts are, not everyone has time to be Direwolf20, some of us have lives and don't make our living a few cents per Youtube ad. And when I want to play Minecraft, I want a simple, easy to install and use system which doesn't require me to have to endlessly fuck with my server so me and my friends can enjoy the exact same experience that makes our Minecraft time better.

    So if modders want to be dicks....fuck em. I don't much give a damn. Cause in the end, if every mod was pulled out of Tekkit by author demand, I'd just shut down my MC server and do something else with my friends and my time.

    Frankly, this

    When Tekkit Lite came out I conviced my friends on my server to get them to say goodbye to the current world and switch to lite

    Aside from A) We didn't know what half of this stuff did and B) WHAT THE F*** HAPPENED TO MY FABRICATORS! (mostly me) it was great, we had the latest minecraft, but with tekkitness

    Then the custom zip feature was added, so i did a little poking about, and added transformers back in

    That took me...bout 20 minutes? And that was no mod knowledge 1 install on to a pack that already had all the parent mods installed, 1 mod out of 62 took me 20 minutes, getting my head around the complete pack would be hell

    So I'll follow Tekkit because it's easy to use, a good friend showed it to me, and it's fun

    Also, FTB? I didn't hear about that until Lite came out and the Railcraft stuff kicked off, the irony

  5. What part of "It's not part of the modpack so why the hell should users who want to add it own their own be punished and not be able to" do you not understand?

    Unfortunately it doesn't matter if the people of this forum get it, another launcher would be needed to install the tekkit mods + gregtech because it won't run on the TekkitLauncher

  6. They don't want the powerful EE items to be optional or even exist. They know it's really popular and most servers would run with them enabled if given the option.

    They being?

    I didn't like the OPness of some of the tools but I still kept EE2 in full for those that did want it, the only exceptions were server busters (Items that broke one or more aspects of my server) and the collector because one of the few rules I had was true equivalence, IE no spawning tools or generating free EMC

    Just my 2 cents, and a sign that it's not a black and white situation, there is a gray area which people like me reside in

  7. Connection error

    Tekkit isn't broadcasting or more likely something is stopping that broadcast but allowing the full client/server connection

    Communication Error

    This happens to me all the time, don't ask me why but it does, and if it happens once I have to restart tekkit to try again, but I can still connect regardless of whether or not I restart

    Either way if your people can still get on I don't see a problem

    DISCLAIMER: This is all theory, I have no basis other than personal experience

  8. Condenser is part of EE2, which is only for MC 1.2.5. Tekkit Lite uses EE3 for Minecraft 1.4.6. EE3 is nowhere near finished yet.

    The most OP thing about EE2 were the collectors. After that, the Condensers which were just SLIGHTLY too easy. The Transmutation Tablet was okay, though.

    That was compensated with the Hazmat Suit, which literally allows you to swim in lava or stand in fire while neither your health nor your suit takes any damage whatsoever, only the "knockback" view shake every 3 seconds due to the (zero) damage being dealt.

    Only until the suit durability hits 64, after that it's business as usual

    I know for swimming in water air cans can be used to provide infinite air, not sure about the rest

  9. I want to reply to this, but I dont have to. I love people who think "Only thing I HAVE to do is die and pay taxes!".

    You're detracting from the point. Please keep on topic.

    My point was you are saying we have to make documentation, if people want to they can but they aren't being forced to

    and if that isn't on topic enough for you then how about this

    The devs have already sunk time in to making the launcher and the pack, the community can and will take up the slack of documentation so they can continue to focus on that, and their life's away from tekkit

  10. The community shouldn't have to write your documentation!: How are we supposed to know how it works if you don't? I'm talking to you ForgeEssentials team. Not everyone understands Java/J++ or whatever it is. Thanks to Tux2 for his insight on the permissions problems.

    I'd like to draw everyone's attention to the phrase "have to"

    We can use 'have to' to express a strong obligation. When we use 'have to' this usually means that some external circumstance makes the obligation necessary.

    I have yet to write a lick of documentation, so the only thing I "have to" do is sit on my ass twiddling my thumbs when I can't find an answer via google or the other people on my server

    But wait, while I do that I can enjoy all the other things that are documented and I can wait patiently for someone that WANTS to write documentation (props to those people, +1 and all that)

    Of course I have another option, I can go at whatever is undocumented head on and work out how the **** it works, and who knows, maybe I'll document my findings because I WANT to

  11. Condensers are not so much OP as EZ Mode for Automation, I'll agree with removing collectors (banned by community agreement on my server) but relays, no, relays without collectors are a great way to automate removal of items, a simple rig (assorted BC pipes, 1 macerator, RS engines and a MK2 relay) being fed by a quarry allows for "passive" generation but at a very slow rate, boost-able only by putting more fuel to the quarry to get the more expensive stuff faster

  12. This ^^^ (Post 56) and I'd like to add

    If modders keep making themselves islands and blocking out packs over permissions (or just general dislike/hate) then sooner or later someone is going to say screw this BS, learn java and make a clone (which is obviously designed how they wanted that mod to be) and release that, result, the island mod isn't an issue anymore because something just came out to do the same thing, without the drama

    So long term this is a good thing (funny I know) because

    1. Island modders are shooting themselves in the foot
    2. More people will learn to mod (in theory)
    3. A greater selection of mods will be available
    4. We win

    That is enough thereforing for 1 post



  13. But this means no oil and lava fabs, or water strainers, and those strainers were AWESOME when extracting oil from the sea

    EDIT: If anyone can find an easy way to bring it back please tell me, it will need to be simple as I can mod minecraft but most of the people on my server can't

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