This is my first post on these forums which I've been lurking for a while now, but I'm heavily medicated due this..plague thing/flu that I have, so bare with me. I've only ever played tekkit on single player, with the intent to join a server at a later date. I've found that from what I've heard of most servers it would probably be better to stay playing by myself, and because of that have found myself attached to my very small and humble little tekkit volcano home.
Now, I've downloaded midas, selected my world from tekkit classic, and loaded the patch that you linked. When I load the patch.txt file it tells me that, "Source ID (insert numbers) is already being translated." I must then click ok to continue, a large portion of clicks later it ends, and I click start. When I click Start however it simply says, "An error has occured and a log has been created." I have no idea what I would be doing wrong in these few simple steps, and I'm unsure of where the created log went to find out. Any help at all is appreciated. Thanks for your time.