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Posts posted by Nathan<3sStarWars

  1. "Artomix"

    Best. Seed. Ever.


    There is only one landmass in an entire 10000 block radius, which you spawn on. It's a jungle mountainous biome.

    Pretty hardcore, but I totally turned it into Tracy Island.

    Tracy Island . . .

  2. Do Jaffa. (No period, capital J) If you head you'll come to a beautiful plain with a swamp nearby (Rubber settled) Also if you hunt around the edge of the swamp you'll find a deep narrow shaft which leads to an enormous cave system where I found at least 28 diamonds!!! :D

  3. Okay, here we go.

    Tekkit's main mods are IndustrialCraft2, RedPower2, BuildCraft, Equivalent Exchange2, and Forestry.

    IndustrialCraft's machines are pretty much only FOR IndustrialCraft2 materials, which is why they're useful, since the best thing about IC2 are its electric tools and nano (quantum) suits. The machines are all redundacized in Mekanism, which also has better textures, names, and materials, and uses a universal power (UE, instead of EU, and yeah, those are a bipalindrome). IC2 reactors are absolute crap, and the uranium refinement process is utter bullcrap, and inferior to Atmoci Science and the new Big Reactors in every way. IndustrialCraft2 has really received so much affection because it was one of the first mods in Tekkit, and people don't want to let go. (Deny it?)

    RedPower2 has much better textures than IC2, and its machines have great uses; its pipes are superior to BuildCraft's, and its whole wiring and microblocks are pratically amazing and beautiful, as well as useful. They shouldn't remove this mod, but I think it hasn't updated for 1.5 or something, which is Tekkit Main's version. But everybody who plays Yogcraft, TBD, and Lite can still enjoy it.

    BuildCraft's autocrafter is good for assembly lines, and its quarries are great. It's compatible with Forestry, and its engines are great. Oil refining is fun. It should and has been kept.

    Equivalent Exchange2 is an amazing mod, and even though it's alchemy and not magic, I'd say it's right up there with ThaumCraft3. EE3 IS in Tekkit Main, but it's still in beta version, and isn't ready, and EE2 just isn't compatible with anything past 1.3.0.

    Forestry was removed from Tekkit 3 by the mod owners, but reappears in Tekkit Main and TBD. It is an amazing mod, adding Apiculture, Arboriculture, MUCh better farming stuff, a whole feast of foodstuffs, and Therman Expansion! (Correct me if I'm wrong, and it isn't a Forestry plugin) NEVER LOSE DIS MOD AGAIN.

    Yeah, everything except the first two paragraphs was useless, but hey! It was fun! So tell me if my psychological hypothesis is incorrect. yeah?

    Stupid Newbie, over and out!


  4. The thing to keep in mind is that this has been going on for over a month now. People don't read existing threads, and don't read the entire thread when they respond to stuff like this one. I'm really tired of giving the same list of 10 RP2 and IC2 replacements over and over again, and I'm tired of people coming back and saying "Well those were nice but since Tekkit/Big Dig doesn't have a replacement for (X thing that there is a really easy and prominent replacement, which they didn't ask about) I'm leaving forever, goodbye." Some people just aren't that interested in moving on and I can see why some would be tired of wasting their time with them. Losing your patience just pushes more people away, though, so I hope everyone will chill out and just don't respond if you're tired of dealing with it.

    Totally NOT responding. ;)

  5. Actually the point of this whole game is that... it isn't 'about' anything at all, really, you can do whatever you want. If you want to live in a tiny cave and just fill up chests with ores and never even smelt them or build even one building... you can.

    Ive seen plenty of people with plain stone, square houses on youtube, playing with all the industry style mods, power suits, etc. They dont really seem to 'build' anything special, just a big square building to hold their machines.

    Here is a secret... come closer, listen... the secret is... other people might actually not play the game the way you do. GET OUT RIGHT? Can you believe this??? Whew. Crazy, sit down, have a lemonade. It's been a long day, you need to relax.

    for people who just want to mine some ores in big dig and not really go nuts with the machines well... youre ignorign most of the mods. Which is fine, do whatever you want. It appears lots of people love the machines, which is why i am saying that without an open ended goal to pursue, the style of big dig will make people get bored.

    Here is another secret... i know is two in one day but prepare yourself. The secret is... people who only like building things play Creative mode, people who get enjoyment from 'working for it' and then building something, play survival. For many people, it's more satisfying to build a castle knowing you worked for all the resources. If you have so many resourcs that you dont need to WORK FOR anything, then you are basically in creative, and there is a reason we dont all play creative mode.

    Thats all for today folks, ill be here til wednesday! Make sure to tip your bartender!


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