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Everything posted by Eaglesight

  1. You were found banned on MCBouncer, I am not sure how your mouse bugging out compromises your account, let me know about that one! Resolve your ban and we'll gladly let you play on Sweden Tekkit Lite. Welcome.
  2. Welcome! Please notify a staff member once you log in and your permissions will get sorted!
  3. Hi everyone! My ISP had issues for a few hours. Hopefully they are done having issues for this year . The server is now available again, enjoy!
  4. You were found banned on MCBouncer. You will have to resolve your ban before becoming a builder on this server. Welcome! You’ve been promoted to Builder! Welcome! Please notify a staff member once you log in and your permissions will get sorted! Unfortunately we can't deliver you a good ping to Australia from Sweden, campingtaco13! You will not become a builder on this server because you were found banned on MCBouncer for moderate griefing. Hit me up when you see me online.
  5. The server has been running flawlessly on 20 TPS for 20 hours now, so unless I got DDOSed when you were on, it was probably just you Welcome, you’ve been promoted to Builder! You didn't answer all questions in the application.
  6. You were found banned on MCBouncer, not for the reason you specified but for [reason] => modreq spam and avo fan boy. This means you will not become a builder on Sweden Tekkit Lite. You were found banned on two servers. Resolve your bans and I may let you become a builder. Welcome! Please notify a staff member once you log in and your permissions will get sorted!
  7. Welcome! Please notify a staff member once you log in and your permissions will get sorted! Welcome, you’ve been promoted to Builder!
  8. Welcome! Please notify a staff member once you log in and your permissions will get sorted! Welcome, you’ve been promoted to Builder!
  9. ANNOUNCEMENT: We just upgraded to Tekkit 0.5.7, people! Update your Tekkits.
  10. Welcome! Please notify a staff member once you log in and your permissions will get sorted!
  11. Don't you understand that no matter what your username is, you won't be accepted? It's obvious you are the same person as TheRPGBomb: http://puu.sh/1UnSM/a3ad1f756b You are not invited, not because of your personal history- but because you lied (and said you won't be found banned). Please don't post anymore applications to become a builder on Sweden Tekkit Lite.
  12. Welcome × 6 Please notify a staff member once you log in and your permissions will get sorted! A ban was found on your name. It turns out it was not just your friends server, so appealing will not help in this case.
  13. You know he had that plugin since he launched the server, right?
  14. 1. Remove (or rename) your .techniclauncher folder Hold the Windows Button and press R Paste the following: explorer %appdata% Now rename the folder to something like "old.techniclauncher" 2. Download the new technic launcher: http://mirror.technicpack.net/files/TechnicLauncher.exe
  15. Welcome! If you don't have permissions after you have logged in and tried to hit a block, contact a staff member and we'll sort your permissions out! :)
  16. Welcome! Please stick to english in the server though. We were all new to english at one point, and using it will improve your skills in it.
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