NOTE: You will not be able to play without making an application.
I present to you, fellow minecrafters- a project of mine to provide Tekkit Lite fans with a
long-lasting and reliable community server. You as a player will also earn the respect that
you deserve- and we expect you to treat others fairly.
We have a strict policy against swearing, you may feel that this is harsh, but there are
very young minecraft players who certainly don't need that and want to enjoy the game as
well. If you are a teenager who think swearing is cool you might not like it here.
Find us on IRC:
[email protected] (webchat)
Glizer support:
As of Feburary 25th, we use Glizer (the global banning system). With this change, we are
required to inform you and ask for your permission of submitting data (including your minecraft
username) for public usage.
Read more:
#1 - Don't nag, beg, spam and swear.
#2 - Do treat others with respect.
#3 - Don't grief, abuse, dupe, cheat, hack and other things your parents wouldn't like you to do.
#4 - Do tell staff members if something is wrong, but adhere to #1 and #2 when you do it.
#5 - Be awesome!
Staff Members:
[Admin] Eaglesight
[Mod] Tjebab
[Mod] Pekinesen
- Creeper Explosions don't destroy blocks.
- Fires don't spread.
- Mystcraft is disabled due to multiplayer instability.
- Take a shortcut away from spawn with "/warp"
- Get stone tools with "/kit tools"
- Claim a chunk of land with "/chunk claim”. 7 chunks of land per person.
- Allow others to build on your land with "/chunk add InsertPlayerName"
- Inspect the size of chunks with "/vc"
- We have balanced the Minium Stone from EE3 to have less charges in an attempt to further balance alchemy.
The following items are banned & cannot be used (to prevent griefing and/or server crashes):
TNT, Mining Laser, Nuke, Industrial TNT, Turtles, Deployer, Cannon, Cannon Balls, Dynamite, Crystal Chest, Dynamite Carrier, Dynamite, Sticky Dynamite, Phased Teleport Pipes (use Tesseracts instead)
We make server backups every 25 minutes. In case of server shutdown, the world will be
released to the public for those who wish to continue playing on their own (or setup their
own server to continue providing for the community).
Plugins: AutoMessage, Backup, ClearLag, Essentials, HawkEye, PlugMan, SimpleRestart, SwearingBlocker, Vault, WorldBorder, WorldEdit, WorldGuard.
Cozy, right?
Spawn House with "Spawn Town" by WhyHiThere behind.
You can buy plots for currency which can be
obtained by selling Iron, Gold and Diamonds.
Mining World
With endless possibilies for Ore extraction
Make your application now! On our community site:
Copy the form below into your post (it's also okay to private
message me the application on this forum, NOT INGAME!) and answer the questions.
Once you are done, you can log onto the server and check if there’s any moderator or
admin online who can process your application, but remember- your impression on us
decides if you are accepted as a builder or not!
IP address: Note: You have to apply to Build.
Port: 25565 (default)
Uptime Goal: 99% of 24/7
Application form:
What is your Minecraft username?
How old are you?
In what country do you live?
Will we find a ban record of you on a banlist like for example
Have you read through the thread as you should to avoid unnecessary questions later?
Caution: You will get a warning if you ask questions answered in the "Features"-part of the thread.
Sweden Tekkit Lite
Thursday the 17th of January, 2013