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About andbobrew

  • Birthday 10/11/1989

andbobrew's Achievements


Dirt (1/9)



  1. andbobrew


    I've been playing this server for a long time it is amazing.
  2. Hey, Andbob! This is Euth with Horizon. I just wanted to let you know that we plan on opening in a few hours! So if you're still interested feel free to check us out at hexxit.bxbservers.com and our website at bxbservers.com!

  3. IGN (In Game Name): andbobrew Age: 18 Why Horizon?: I like the rules. What is your goal on the server?: to help and learn about the mods.
  4. Code: 1. Minecraft Username andbobrew 2. What is your experience with Tekkit playied for about 2 years 3. Have you ever been banned from a server? If so, please explain iyes i laughed at somthing my friend said and the admin thought i was dis respecting him. 4. What do you plan on doing in Techluminal Tekkit Iplan on making a fatory that combines ic2 and EE
  5. I am looking for a mix of volts, tekkit, and yogbox I would like you to email it to me called High voltage Techbox. My email is [email protected] I will post and give you the credit just don't want to take one of your only 3 posts Thankyou.
  6. I can't connect to the server plz help me.
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