Second that... I have had zero luck with this. And I consider myself pretty savvy. I have tried all the patch files linked from this thread. I have also tried exporting my own patch files with the python script. Manual adjustments and tweaking/trying things out... Nothing does a thorough job- not even close:
Aerberus, post #90: Missing marble block, basalt block, pipes (invisible), IC2 machines, wireless trans/rec, etc.
Sai, post #48: Missing IC2 machines, wireless trans/rec, pipes (invisible), etc.
Portablejim's python script: Missing IC2 machines, IC2 cables, IC2 EU storage devices, marble covers, wireless trans/rec, pipes (invisible), etc.
I am trying to convert a Tekkit Classic v3.1.2 Server to Tekkit Lite 0.5.7 Server. Just no success. Does anyone have a complete patch.txt file or a working/current dump compare/export script that will convert between these two server versions? We are running no additional mods. Everything is "right out of the box."
Thanks for all your effort, those of you who contributed to these various tools. I certainly appreciate your hard work and contribution to the community. I just want to know if I missed the boat and no one is maintaining this conversion method any more. I don't want to be chasing ghosts if it's just never gonna work. :(