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Everything posted by weirdbeard

  1. Thanks for the warning on signing posts... Old habits... :/ I will experiment this evening as well. I appreciate your willingness to help.
  2. Maybe I should lay out the steps I am following... 1. I take a copy of the Tekkit Classic server directory and copy it to a test box. C:\Test\tekkit-server 2. I create a second directory at C:\Test\tekkitlite-server. 3. I unzip the contents of the Tekkit_Lite_Server_v0.5.7.zip file into C:\Test\tekkitlite-server 4. I then run mIDasGold v0.2.4 and open the C:\Test\tekkit-server\world directory. 5. I load my patch.txt file and start the conversion. 6. I do the same with the "world_nether" and "world_the_end" directories just to be thorough. 7. I copy all three converted world directories into C:\Test\tekkitlite-server. 8. I run the server and login. So, the Tekkit Lite server has never been started before running it with my converted worlds for the first time. Maybe this is the problem???
  3. Am I missing a step somewhere? I haven't played with any config files at all. Both servers are strictly out-of-the-box. No additional mods or changes to existing ones. Thanks for checking things out. :)
  4. The pipes come through and everything???
  5. @havocx42 Didn't realize you had taken over the coding of this utility. Thanks for your efforts! @Aerberus Your discoveries give me a vague idea... Perhaps there is some controlling/background block that either needs to be changed or needs NOT to be changed in order for this to work correctly. It sounds like starting the server might parse a related block and get confused and reset everything. Again, I know nothing of the inner workings but I tend to be quite intuitive with clues. I do notice in the region files of the converted world that the text field as shown by NBTExplorer associated with invisible blocks says "id: net.minecraft.src.buildcraft.transport.GenericPipe". Yet in the dump files, ID 166 is dentified by "Name: buildcraft.transport.BlockGenericPipe". Not sure if this is relevant or not. Also, I found a few mix-ups in my version of patch.txt having to do with RedPower2. If you were carrying some of these items when you logged in after converting, your client probably crashed. Or, if you looked inside a chest with one of these mix-ups, the client would crash as well. One such item was Nikolite, I believe. https://github.com/adamj777/midasgoldpatch
  6. I spent some time re-working the patch.txt file by hand. It is still a work in progress but it covers everything in my world so far. All ecxept for Pipes! (Grrrr!) The infamous "invisible pipes" syndrome... Anyway, I posted the file on a public GitHub site hoping people will contribute and that the OP might have a look to see if anything can be worked into his app. -Enjoy! https://github.com/adamj777/midasgoldpatch
  7. Second that... I have had zero luck with this. And I consider myself pretty savvy. I have tried all the patch files linked from this thread. I have also tried exporting my own patch files with the python script. Manual adjustments and tweaking/trying things out... Nothing does a thorough job- not even close: Aerberus, post #90: Missing marble block, basalt block, pipes (invisible), IC2 machines, wireless trans/rec, etc. Sai, post #48: Missing IC2 machines, wireless trans/rec, pipes (invisible), etc. Portablejim's python script: Missing IC2 machines, IC2 cables, IC2 EU storage devices, marble covers, wireless trans/rec, pipes (invisible), etc. I am trying to convert a Tekkit Classic v3.1.2 Server to Tekkit Lite 0.5.7 Server. Just no success. Does anyone have a complete patch.txt file or a working/current dump compare/export script that will convert between these two server versions? We are running no additional mods. Everything is "right out of the box." Thanks for all your effort, those of you who contributed to these various tools. I certainly appreciate your hard work and contribution to the community. I just want to know if I missed the boat and no one is maintaining this conversion method any more. I don't want to be chasing ghosts if it's just never gonna work. :(
  8. Ah, thanks... I am new to running these servers so i am not familiar with what the long-standing issues are versus the old issues (which may have been resolved since.) I wonder if I tried to use worldedit to fill in the area with stone and then chisel the volcano OUT. OR, use WE to fill the area in with Air blocks. Might trigger the same effect I described above. (Not sure if WE is Tekkit-friendly, though.) I shall experiment this weekend.
  9. This appears to still be an issue in 3.1.2. If I enter these areas where volcano blocks are missing, I start to do the infinite skip-in-place dance. However, if I place blocks- any blocks- within the un-rendered volcano's space, the blocks will turn to basalt and complete the render, fixing that particular area. I can then walk on top of those blocks without skipping. Although this works to repair the missing blocks, it only works one block at a time which isn't a very practical solution. Is there an update, work-around, or a fix for this bug? Thanks for a great modpack. I am completely re-addicted to Minecraft! ;)
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