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Everything posted by Sayshal

  1. In the console (black window) type: save-all 3-5 times, then type stop That's how you properly turn off your server.
  2. @Soltaro You should add some other means of EU generation. Solar panels only work during the day... Kinda inconvenient for abusing the Insomnia mod to sleep but still have stuff working.
  3. *Noob question incoming* Is there a way to disable taint, but keep thaumcraft? Why, you probably won't ask? Because I want to use a world my friend made but he uses some thaumcraft stuff for decorative reasons. I don't want taint, or vis, or whatever the fuck thaumcraft does, but I want the blocks. Probably not possible. /high-jacked thread
  4. So, I have a Tekkit server that's working just fine, completely vanilla, no plugins. Good to go. My friend, who downloaded from the exact same link everyone else did, is getting really odd errors that prevent his server from starting. Here is the pastie: http://pastie.org/4457154 The bottom of the log is where the server freezes. Thanks for any help you can offer, and ask if you need any other information.
  5. You literally just install it on your USB stick. But you'll have to portforward on any additional computers you may want to use it on if you plan on playing with people not in that house.
  6. NOTE: NOT SELLING ANY PRODUCTS / ADVERTISING A PRODUCT! JUST LOOKING FOR HELP! Hey guys, my name is Sayshal, but the community I base myself around calls me Dr.Bonana. You don't give two shits so I'll skip to the reason behind this thread. That community I mention above is getting some guys & gals together and making what they hope to be a very successful addon-campaign /quest-line for Fallout 3. It'll be based around the Lone Wanderer travelling to Canada after news reaches him that they're suffering from the Canadian version of The Enclave. Since in Fallout 3, if you just followed the main questline, you barely saw any of the Enclave, this addon campaign will focus around a very similar idea to The Enclave. Right now we're looking for more people to help out, as this idea literally just came to ears and eyes. If you're interested, please visit here to signup / talk about it. Feel free to use the section below to further discuss the mod. TL;DR: We need help making a Fallout 3 mod, click here to help us. Don't want to signup there quite yet? Feel free to signup here, simply copy this application and reply below!
  7. Reinforced stone 2 walls thick worked fine for my Mk5 explosion...
  8. Call it multiplayer... That's what it is.
  9. I'm not a Technic guy but I'm a Bukkit guy. You're permissions are wrong. When it says in the documentation "modifyworld.items.(craft|drop|have|pickup)" It means you can select one of those four options. Example: modifyworld.items.craft modifyworld.items.drop modifyworld.items.have modifyworld.items.pickup
  10. I just Google what I want to do next. :P
  11. Best way to learn is to play with friends or join one of the servers already available.
  12. It is planned for the replacement of Bukkit (Bukkit members got hired by Mojang, their replacing 'Vanilla SMP' with a hybrid of Bukkit & Minecraft.) Hopefully 1.3 or 1.4 will see this perfectly_
  13. Could you send me your jar/config? Because when I put the plugin in the plugins folder I'm getting this: 2012-05-31 16:07:18 [iNFO] [disablecraft] Enabling disablecraft v0.3.0.1 2012-05-31 16:07:18 [iNFO] [DC] Rework of NoCraft[ic2 compatible] 2012-05-31 16:07:18 [iNFO] [DC] [DC] Default configuration created. 2012-05-31 16:07:18 [sEVERE] Error occurred while enabling disablecraft v0.3.0.1 (Is it up to date?) java.lang.NoSuchMethodError: net.minecraft.server.CraftingManager.b()Ljava/util/List; at me.tabr.disablecraft.DCMain.onEnable(DCMain.java:183) at org.bukkit.plugin.java.JavaPlugin.setEnabled(JavaPlugin.java:215) at org.bukkit.plugin.java.JavaPluginLoader.enablePlugin(JavaPluginLoader.java:336) at org.bukkit.plugin.SimplePluginManager.enablePlugin(SimplePluginManager.java:386) at org.bukkit.craftbukkit.CraftServer.loadPlugin(CraftServer.java:262) at org.bukkit.craftbukkit.CraftServer.enablePlugins(CraftServer.java:244) at net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer.t(MinecraftServer.java:375) at net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer.a(MinecraftServer.java:362) at net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer.init(MinecraftServer.java:191) at net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer.run(MinecraftServer.java:426) at net.minecraft.server.ThreadServerApplication.run(SourceFile:492)
  14. Alright, so which should I be looking at? I'm looking for the file to disable some EE stuff without completely removing it.
  15. I'm not sure why, but I went to go disable some things, and I noticed most of my /config files were empty. The specific ones I'm worried about are: EnderStorage.cfg, mod_WirelessRedstoneRedPower.cfg, mod_WirelessRedstoneCore.cfg, mod_WirelessRedstoneAddons.cfg, mod_TubeStuff.cfg, mod_RedPowerWorld.cfg, mod_RedPowerWiring.cfg, mod_RedPowerMachine.cfg, mod_RedPowerLogic.cfg, mod_RedPowerLighting.cfg, mod_RedPowerCore.cfg, mod_RedPowerControl.cfg, mod_Railcraft.cfg, mod_PowerConverters.cfg, mod_NotEnoughItems.cfg, mod_NetherOres.cfg, mod_IronChest.cfg, mod_ImmibisCore.cfg, ALL mod_IC2___.cfg, mod_EE.cfg, mod_CompactSolars.cfg, mod_CodeChickenCore.cfg, mod_BuildCraftTransport.cfg, mod_BuildCraftFactory.cfg, mod_BuildCraftEnergy.cfg, mod_BuildCraftCore.cfg, mod_BuildCraftBuilders.cfg, mod_AdditionalPipes.cfg. All of these configs are completely blank. I'm guessing a few of them are supposed to be, but the ones I've bolded are my concerns.
  16. I've talked to DisableCraft developer, he's going to update it.
  17. I'm still a bit confused. The searching on this forum is sort of annoying, but I'm ready to start bookmarking pages. Anyone that can list a few items they've disabled. Either because they're overpowered or cause terrible things, please list them and why! I'm trying to sort this out.
  18. I've heard rumors of LogBlock with Tekkit causing issues. I know how to use LogBlock, been using it for a year on Bukkit MineCraft. I'll find disablecraft, thanks for your help!
  19. Hey guys, I might get yelled at by everyone for this but I have a few questions. I have lots of experience in Bukkit, but next to none in Tekkit. Now, I want to use plugins obviously, and I've gotten Dynmap working beautifully. My next task is to disable certain blocks from different (stop crafting) mods based on a permission node. I've read a few articles on PEX being able to do this with ModifyWorld. Could someone point me in the right direction to doing this? Also, what sort of rollback plugin is compatible with Tekkit? I've heard HawkEye is, but I've always used LogBlock. Are there any helpful thread either on Bukkit or these forums that could guide me through installing? Last thing, disabling certain blocks at a mod level (as stated in the "Tekkit 3.0.3 is out thread") how can I disable items like the Red Matter Furnace? I'm brand-new to Tekkit, so hopefully these aren't the noobiest questions. Thanks for any help given.
  20. I'm just trying to find if (and/or how) to use LogBlock with Tekkit. I have a lot of experience with Bukkit and plugins etc, but little to none with Tekkit and making the two work together.
  21. Where are the files I need to put in the 1.2.3 JAR? I can't find any links anywhere, or is it just the same as what technic puts in the Client side? :S Nevermind, I downloaded this from the Technic launcher, so I never saw that the server version is in the download on their forums.
  22. I wasn't referring to actually making/crafting/placing/etc the items. What I meant is them actually not appearing in the NEI list. (Open inventory, Press 'o')
  23. Look at that page... At the bottom... Where it says 2.0 Tekkit... Click it... ??? Profit
  24. Sorry if the title is a little misleading, but I'm trying to disable items from certain mods showing up in NEI. If this IS possible, but HAS ALREADY been answered, sorry and can you please show me that post. If this ISN'T possible, and I'm an asshole, feel free to tell me so. Thanks for your time! - Sayshal
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