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Posts posted by Ysharma

  1. That would be a pretty awesome idea. Perhaps instead of actually affecting blocks, the dimension seeping into the overworld could just mean corrupting mobs.

    What about this: the entity of magic senses a disturbance. A wizard is abusing the entities gift, therefore the entity of magic locks him up in another dimension to prevent the wizard from disturbing the mortal word

    Mark, why don't you make your own thread for this?

  2. http://forums.technicpack.net/threads/modular-powersuits.37828/


    Let me tell you a story:

    About three months ago in the #technic irc channel GreenWolf13 had said (I'm paraphrasing) "trans people are subhuman". powercrystals, an OP in the channel, asked why. For those of you that know how these conversations go it went exactly like you assume. GreenWolf got defensive, and in private was trying to explain himself to powercrystals. Instead what he did was piss powercrystals (and the rest of the ops/mods) something fierce, so he was banned from the irc. He also kept pushing it with powercrystals, making himself look even worse.

    Yesterday, I was asked why GreenWolf wasn't banned from the forums, and I defended him because he hadn't broken any forums rules. Until he asked MachineMuse why she didn't like him, and she told him, and he (yet again) brought his opinion up, but this time wrapped it up in the 'but I'M persecuted for being ME' line, which I'm sure you guys have all seen. He wasn't silenced because of his opinion, he was banned for throwing around a bag of dicks (irnoically enough incompatible with the teachings of the Catholic church) and his words are still there, and will remain there for everyone to read.

    Point is, he kept pushing it and couldn't even backpedal correctly. His ideas of trans people (or any other sub culture that may or may not be inside societal norms) being mentally deficient in some way is wholly incompatible with this community and anyone with a brain, heart, or spark of rational thinking. He further pushed it by trying to play it off like he was the one being persecuted and prop up his church as the reason, instead of critically examining why stating "facts" about the mental health of well-adjusted people who don't fall in line with the most superficial of details might piss off rational people.

    powercrystal's irc ban was justified, and me banning GreenWolf13 yesterday is also justified. If this bothers you then I'd suggest examining your own thoughts on it. If you still feel like we were being harsh on GreenWolf even after running it through a "Being a human being" then I suggest you get bent. This is no place for hate of that kind no matter how many barriers you try to put between yourself and toxic opinions.

  3. You don't know much about how copyright works. None of you do and you should all stop playing lawyer.

    To the OP. As to your first question I am sorry your name was taken. This happens all the time all over the internet. For your second question, there have already been several threads discussing permissions and the Platform. I suggest you search for them if you want further answers.

    Don't know about where you are from, but in the US we file for copyright with our copyright office. If the copyright is legitimate it will be filed and recognized with them, and then will be stored in that database. So unless im missing something here, what is it that I don't seem to understand?

  4. Ok and I need to know how to arrange the items. Is it one big file? Individual sprites? How many items are 3d? how should I design textures for the 3d items? Is the sprite size standard sprite. Are textures just for inventory and hotbar use? etc...

  5. So, LazDude2012 and I are continuing MageCraft, as it was (sadly) abandoned by GreenWolf13. We are rewriting it from scratch. I am currently working on cleaning and tidying up the code to make sure it is future proof. A basic 1.5.1 port is not far from done, expect a new thread in a couple of days. ^^

    Oh if you ever need someone for graphics and sprites im available. Ive worked on a couple texture packs back in the day...

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