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Posts posted by Ysharma

  1. The beta build posted online is seriously fucked up. I tryed installing smart moving on top of xycraft and well....

    When two mods don't love each other very much, your game crashes

    Week 5 without the server

    The beta build of the modpack is almost ready for public release, work on the forums will continue as soon as mercalyn gets back from a trip, and we will soon setup solderapi on the modpack, so the mods individually download upon an update.

    EDIT: 155 forge mods, and more that are not recognized

    Can't post this in the TBR thread (it would be triple posting) so posting it here.

    TBR Build 23 Beta:



    Mac OSX:


  2. I made an account simply to report you assholes and tell you are are assholes, go get a life you nerds. The man asked a simple fucking question and you fucktards are the scum of the earth. All either of you had to say was that technic runs on an older version of minecraft and that texture packs cannot be run on the server. So go fuck yourselves for being shitty human beings.

    You should check out the whale box. It may let you reflect on your future

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