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Everything posted by DarkKlotz

  1. EPIME-Craft Server Address: play.epime-craft.com Website: epimecraft.enjin.com EPIME-Craft has a small community from various modpacks such as a previously short lived tekkit classic server, Big Dig, Hexxit, and even a run with our own Modpack. We don't have a lot of rules, and we have the typical banned items that are used to dupe and can be used for griefing. PVP is allowed, as is griefing, as long as it is on unclaimed land. We also have several shop plots open for player owned shops. All shops are on a 7 day renting cycle, and pricing depends on the location of the shop. If you need money, give a go at the mob arena. if you need help with an issue please use the ticket system via /ticket We try to keep it as simple as possible to give people the best playing experience. Rules: No advertising other servers Griefing allowed only on unclaimed land No begging for items No begging to be staff No whining Plugins: AutoMessage BackonDath ChatManager ChestShop ChopTree2 Essentials GAListener GriefPrevention LaggClear LogBlock LWC MobBountyReloaded PermissionsEx SafeEdit SimpleHelpTickets SimpleRegionMarket Votifiter WorldBorder WorldEdit WorldGuard
  2. Server has been updated to 1.5.2 and is re-opened to the public.
  3. EPIME-Craft Technic Pack URL: http://www.technicpack.net/api/modpack/epime-craft Server IP: Server Website: http://epimecraft.enjin.com EPIME-Craft is hosted on dedicated server. We are a pvp server largely based around the Flans modpack, and we have several content packs which are listed below. Hand made spawn, that is a work in progress, complete with public machine room, landing strip, small admin shop, and player owned shop plots for sell. Mods: bspkrsCore AdvancedMachines Advanced Power Management Advanced Solar Panels Backpack BiblioCraft Buildcraft Computer Craft +extras Damage Indicators ExtraBiomesXL Flans mod (Manus Civil Pack, Manus Guns and Ammo, Manus Modern Warfare, Manus Sifi, Manus WW2, Modern Weaposn Pack) Forestry IC2 + Nuclear Control IronChest Omni Tools Power Converters Railcraft RedLogic Rotten Flesh to Leather Steves Carts Thermal Expansion Traincraft Plugins: BanItem BetterBroadcast ChestShop ChopTree2 ClearLag Essentials MobBountyReloaded PEX ProtectionSotnes SimpleRegionMarket SimpleVoteListener Votifier WorldBorder WorldEdit WorldGuard We have few rules, PVP is allowed, but no bypassing protections to kill anyone at spawn. No server advertising and no griefing. We welcome everyone who enjoys the Flans mod pack and want's to have fun on a stable server.
  4. Bump, still getting crashes constantly.
  5. For now we are staying with Hexxit, unless I can't resolve the crash issue. We're giving it time tho.
  6. http://pastebin.com/qp6ksEAj for the crash log. We get it several times per day. We've removed the dungeons mod because we thought that might be the issue. But I am starting to think that MCPC+ and Hexxit simply will not get along. If this is the case anyone have any suggestions? I prefer MCPC because you can still use BukkitDev plugins, and its updated pretty much constantly. Thanks.
  7. https://github.com/MinecraftPortCentral/MCPC-Plus/wiki/How-to-install,-launch-and-use. Read that. MCPC is here: http://ci.md-5.net/job/MCPC-Plus-Legacy/
  8. Well, I'll have the day off, so I'll probably be playing BigDig and EVE at the time same as usual lol
  9. Has anyone else had an issue with quarries resetting on a server restart? All of our users are having to break and put their quarries back down anytime the server restarts, and we do an automated restart every two hours so it is a bit annoying... Just curious if anyone has noticed this or even found a way to fix it.
  10. Essentials
  11. It depends really how big your server is gonna be be. I guess you could go straight Forge but you won't be able to use Grief Prevention very well, so factions will be your only option or something like MyTown. Just depends on your needs really..
  12. If you are using MCPC+ you will have to remove the CraftandEnchant mod as it does not play well with MCPC+
  13. It's from the mod CraftandEnchant, info about the mod can be found here: http://www.minecraftforum.net/topic/1444108-151forge-craft-and-enchant-v212a-better-enchanting-extended-repair-system/
  14. Best I can tell from talking to the developer of C&E is that it simply doesn't get along with MCPC+ in its current version. There is an alternate version of C&E to use but then players could not connect to our server without upgrading C&E on their client. Basically we have to use MCPC+ in order for GriefPrevention to function. Is it possible to completely get rid of C&E and still have players able to connect to our server without client modification?
  15. He is correct. The server is still on 1.2.1 and hasn't been updated yet. I am starting to wonder if it could be a plugin conflict somewhere, because I setup another server on a box at home, and the mod is working correctly. But nothing we have should interfere with enchanting.
  16. First off let me say that I am glad to see BigDig added as a official technic pack. I seem to be having a problem with the mod CraftandEnchant, anytime someone on our server opens up a enchanting table the game will crash. Crash report can be found HERE, I've talked with the developer of the mod and he says the only work around is to change the version of the mod. I am curious if you have any other input as if I change the mod of the server, players will no longer be able to connect due to mismatched mods between client and server.
  17. Anyone having problems out of this mod? Anytime a user on our server opens a enchantment table, the server will crash. I can attach a crash report if needed, just let me know. After chatting with the developer of the mod, he says we need to update to a new version, but I can't do that because then people cannot connect to our server due to the client side version being incorrect. Anyone experienced this and found a work around?
  18. It sounds like you are talking about dimensional doors but I can't be sure without seeing it. Can you take a screenshot perhaps?
  19. The stone brick structure sounds sort of like a mini dungeon that will you will find scattered across the map, sometimes they don't render properly, we have found this on our server a few times. You will also find these in the sky. As for the obsidian tunnel to bedrock, I haven't seen one but I read about tunnels to bedrock on one of the mod pages, though I can't remember which one. I just remember, not to go down them lol.
  20. Well, thanks for being open about the reason. Give a yell if you need help with anything.
  21. Why was the server rolled back?
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