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Everything posted by plokami666

  1. You can test it just fine. You don't need the technic launcher for that. Use Vanilla and load the mods in it or something like the MagicLauncher if that still exists/is updated.
  2. Not as far as I know. I guess you could try asking sct about it.
  3. You'd have to export the db and import it in the new host. About the config settings, you'd have to change anything that's been altered on the new host. Indeed it is. My Days of Yore modpack is being served by Solder without any issue whatsoever.
  4. I would suggest registering on koding.com for your tests. They provide you a VM that will be online for as long as you're working with it and for a while after you stop. You can install whatever you want on it and they also provide you with a url along the lines of <username>.kd.io . First VM is free.
  5. I have absolutely zero experience with ipv6 so I'm afraid I can't help you there. About the database, edit your user to only send/listen to localhost as well. PS: You get what you pay for. I would suggest dropping vps.me and getting a real provider. There's plenty of cheap ones out there. For Solder itself I use minivps.co.uk with an external repository provided by a friend.
  6. ____________________________________________________________________________________ IP: Play.DaysOfYore.eu Website: Coming Soon! Teamspeak3: ts.daysofyore.eu IRC: #daysofyore on EsperNet IRC Modpack: Days of Yore ____________________________________________________________________________________ Days of Yore, commonly referred to as DoY between the creators is a Medieval RPG Mod-pack that seeks to provide an RPG experience that breaks away from various cliches that other games have created. Days of Yore is created and maintained by a handful of RPG geeks seeking to relive the thrill that games such as Dungeons and Dragons, Final Fantasy, Dark Stone, World of Warcraft, etc gave us. Seeking to once again find glory in exploring the secret corners of the world, laying waste to our enemies, conquering their kingdoms and rising to the top. In DoY, your destiny is in YOUR hands. Would you like to be a Knight? A wizard? We got you covered. But why not create your own path? How about being a Warsmith? Or maybe a psychopathic Innkeep that secretly delves in Necromancy? The choice is yours and the possibilities are virtually limitless. On our server, you will find a welcoming (although small at the moment) community, helpful, dedicated and experienced staff members and overall a great RPG experience. To add to the experience, we have custom NPCs with more constantly being created, and an 100% custom map. Futhermore, our Developer team is working hard to deliver our custom mods to you. For the time being, we have backported quite a few of the 1.6.2 changes to 1.5.2 and our MMO mod (yes classes, skills, bosses etc) will be public soon™ ! A couple things you need to know before joining: There's a chance that there's bugs we missed in the 3 months that our beta testing phase lasted. Any and all bugs are to be sent to plokami666 via a private message on the technic forum or on our dedicated forums. To get ranked up from Newborn to Commoner, you need to read the rules and then type /acceptrules. Our server specs are the following: Dedicated 64bit Ubuntu GNU/Linux Server. Server grade CPU and RAM (8g). 100mbit upload/download connection. Dedicated SysAdmin. (Yes, this is a server spec) 50 slots. Will expand when out of Open Beta. Guaranteed entry for Donators. __________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________ Here is a list of our plugins*: Essentials GroupManager HeroChat Factions AutoRank WorldGuard WorldEdit WorldBorder RPGTrades RPGParty RPGCLick NoItem Vault CommandRank * Plugin list is subject to change. We are constantly looking into adding new ones to enhance the gaming experience of our players. We are open to suggestions. __________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________ Here is a list of rules that you are expected and required to follow. Ages 13+ only! Role play and keep OCC chat to a minimum. Use /nick to choose a fitting name. Use /realname to check the real name of a person you mean to send a whisper to. Join a faction! Do not bother staff with stupid questions. "Can you make it day?" is a perfect example of such. You can grief in the wilds. You can steal in the wilds. You can kill in the wilds. Doing any of the above in a faction town is a punishable crime. Factions can declare war against one another. Do not ask to be staff or OP. You will be able to apply on our website at a later date. Using any form of hacks/glitches/exploits will result in a permanent ban. Avoid internet slang and excessive use of profanities. No advertising, spamming, trolling or flaming. Respect EVERYONE. Even your enemies. Do not try and acquire disabled items! Above all, have fun! __________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________ This is the current Staff roster: Owner and Creator: plokami666 Co-Owner: Scorpion2458 Co-Owner: Matthew_Russo/SevereRainstorm Developer: Dr_Minecraftful Developer: Marder1991 Developer: kwantakosta Admin: NPC_Stalin Admin: DaemonUmbra __________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________
  7. It's not the forum's problem. Your link is indeed problematic. Links are not supposed to contain spaces. Rename your file to not contain a space.
  8. I see www in that link. So I'll point out the obvious that has already been replied on, oh, I don't know, 300 other threads. That shit needs to be dl.dropbox etc. Not www.dropbox etc.
  9. Hm, I'm not sure killing all that is needed, considering that if someone's running Ubuntu on a slower comp, it's most likely more along the lines of xubuntu or lubuntu. Either way, I'll try this in a VM when I get some time. Don't really feel like getting my unity killed, I multitask while playing PS: If you're running on a slow computer, I would suggest Crunchbang. I've got a netbook with a 1.5ghz atom and 1g of ram and #! was a breath of new life for it. With optifine and settings at lowest, I can even run modded mc with 60 fps on it.
  10. Why is it killing nautilus and compiz?
  11. Honestly, it never even occurred to me to check his guide for these things. I've been making modpacks since the old launcher so I never had to check his guide out. I just noticed how everyone was asking the same over and over and thought I would provide a few basic replies. Tbh I'm kinda baffled that this already exists yet the same threads keep on popping out like mushrooms....
  12. Q1: My modpack is loading as vanilla. What do I do? A1: Make sure the modpack zip is a zip. Not a rar, not a tarball. A simple zip. A2: Make sure the folders contained within are the following: bin mods coremods config [*]A3: Make sure the bin folder contains only modpack.jar The modpack.jar file should be the correct version of Forge Universal. Simply download it from files.minecraftforge.net and rename it to modpack.jar. If you're on windows, make sure the file extension is visible (as in .zip for example). [*]A4: If using dropbox, do not use a link such as https://www.dropbox.com/s/example/example.zip Instead, replace the www part with dl. As in https://dl.dropbox.com/s/example/example.zip Q2: I'm getting an error. What do I do? A: READ THE ERROR. 95% of the time it's telling you exactly what the issue is. If the info displayed in the in-game error isn't sufficient, look for the error log within your modpack folder. Still can't figure it out? At least have the decency to use a pastebin service before posting it here. I suggest hastebin cause it's uncluttered. Q3: The error said "block w from mod x conflicts with block y from mod z". A: Locate your installation directory. On linux it's usually at /home/UserName/.technic/whatever-the-pack-is-called. On windows it's usually at %appdata%/.technic/whatever-the-pack-is-called. On mac, well you gotta wait for me to update this cause I've no idea. Go into the config directory within the technic directory and open the appropriate config. Edit the block/item id to something else. Repeat till you no longer get any conflicts. Q4: I fixed all the id conflicts and single player works fine. Whoever, when I uploaded everything to the server, the server won't allow connections and claim id mismatches when attempting to connect. What do I do? A: This can be tricky. I've found that renaming all the mods to use lowercase letters and no spaces both on the client download and on the server eliminates that issue (might require re-doing some configs) but I can't say for sure that this will always work. Note 1: This will be updated whenever a new common issue with a known solution appears. Note 2: Also, here's a little piece of advice. If you plan on updating your modpack frequently, it would be a good idea to keep a backup of your config files somewhere. It would also be a good idea to open the new config side by side with the old one and compare them to check for fixable differences. Note 3: If something that I haven't covered comes up and there's a known solution, please post it here. I'll make sure to add it to the OP.
  13. Didn't bother updating so I didn't get any further errors but it appears you're using outdated versions of chickenchunks and codechicken core.
  14. https://dl.dropbox.com/s/lhq2nwy15h5fath/Elektric.zip This is the correct link. The reason why yours didn't work is because the link you provided is not the direct download.
  15. First of all, Infamy isn't an official modpack so this is the wrong place to post this. The correct place would be their website. Now, try this. Go to the config directory, open the forge.cfg file (with notepad, notepad++ or similar) and on line 22 change B:removeErroringTileEntities=false to B:removeErroringTileEntities=true And don't use QBBs. They've been problematic for as long as they've existed.
  16. Setting Solder up: I've provided a how-to. Using Solder: I've also provided a how-to.
  17. For my solder installation I'm using http://minivps.co.uk It's not free but it's dirt cheap and reliable. The pack that costs 2 GBP should do fine. Of course the bandwidth offered is laughable so you probably want to set up an external repo. Noted, while using an external repo, hashing bigger mods (8mbs+) can take a while.
  18. 4shared requires an account so I doubt it will work with the launcher. Use a different service. Edit: Oops, didn't see planetguy's reply.
  19. http://forums.technicpack.net/threads/lamp-solder-installation.43471/
  20. The file needs to be a zip. If it's a rar, it will never unzip. Also: Next time you make a thread asking for help in here, you might want to give an explanatory thread title.
  21. Lol I'm sorry man. I must have been looking at a different thread at the same time and hexxit was stuck in my mind. But yeah, mcpc+ should work.
  22. I really don't see why mcpc+ wouldn't work with hexxit. Why don't you try and see how that goes?
  23. Didn't realize there was a standalone of the ML implementation for forge available. Download the forge universal from the link I sent you instead.
  24. Sorry to break this to you but not only is that not the latest, it's not even available for download from their site if it ever existed at all. Have a look here http://files.minecraftforge.net/minecraftforge/
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