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Everything posted by blsmith2112

  1. Sounds good y'all. I got Bukkitforge to work but I want to experiment with MCPC+ as well for FPS reasons. We managed to get WorldEdit working and we filled in our quarries. Now our factory is the only FPS hog left and that may need a major overhaul. 33+ constantly running redstone engines, etc.
  2. Well I put WorldEdit.jar into my plugins directory, restarted the server, and the server is acting like it doesn't even recognize it because all of the commands render "Unknown Command" as a result in-game. I don't know much about the Voltz mod but I don't want to force all my users to download it too.
  3. So in my server, i plop down 3 land-marks. I put down filler and a few land-marks pop off while the yellow/black construction area is drawn up. I plop down my typical phased transport pipe and fill the filler with a brick/filling pattern with some cobblestone in. Finally I connect the power source to the filler with a golden conductive pipe. The pipe fills up and explodes, the filler never has its green light turn on. I've tried several different setups and nothing is working. Edit: My XYZ coordinates are all positive too. I read somewhere that negative values sometimes screw up the filler, but that is not the case in this instance.
  4. Does MCEdit just not work with the latest tekkit lite? It took me 5 minutes to fill 12 quarries and save it.
  5. I really just want to fill the quarries in externally through a third party program. The server lag at this point is just too much to do everything manually with Tekkit's fillers. I just downloaded MCEdit for the first time, loaded up a copy of my server's save file and filled in all the quarries. I moved the unedited save to a safe location and replaced it with the file I just edited and restarted the server. Upon loading up, the server crashes (Crash report). I reverted back to the previous map-save and the server operates normally, with the exception of the low server frame-rate. How can I prevent the MCedit save from crashing the server upon reset?
  6. My server of 5 people have excavated some twelve 64x64 quarries. We filled in the top layer of each quarry with dirt, and have subsequently suffered the frame rate consequences of the twelve 64x64 areas of flowing water right underneath us. I need to know a few things: 1. First and most importantly: How do I quickly fill these quarries so that the frame-rate can return to normal? MCEdit? I've never used it before. Any steps to follow would be most appreciated (getting the save file loaded, edited, and exported back to the server, etc). 2. Secondly, should we use dimensional anchors from now on and build the quarries hundreds of tiles away? Will one 9x9 chunk in the center of four 64x64 tile quarries (68 tiles deep) be enough?
  7. Edit: After several hours of trying to look up how to fix it, I realized that my top row of item sorters did not have a white "unknown" slot designated. Fixed now I'm trying to create an item sorter via sorting macines, pneumatic tubes, and restriction tubes. I followed a tutorial online and managed to get it 50% working, but other objects just end up in an endless loop. Would anyone be willing to explain to me why this is? Video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MZt3ujbh4dE
  8. Wow I haven't even thought about those two mods yet. We do have tons of materials to use and would probably go with applied energistics. I have never used the mod's items yet though so it'll be all about the experimentation over the next few days.
  9. This (sample sized) system imports 5 core types of ore found in quarries: Iron, Silver, Gold, Tin, and Copper. The items are teleported in via phased item transport pipe. Pulled into a filter. Sorted through an item sorter. Shipped to their respective painted areas. Put into a macerator to turn the item into dust. A receiver pulls the dust into a pneumatic pipe which then puts the item into the top of an electric furnace. The smelted ingot is then pulled by a retriever into a chest. The ingot is pumped (via redstone engine) into a phased transport pipe once again. The ingot's ending destination is our base. Could this be simpler? I feel like it could be. I hate using timers in my server, but if its required I'm willing to bite the bullet on this one. The tesseract is connected to my Nuclear Power Plant, I tried using a phased conductive pipe but the connecting pipe kept exploding.
  10. Just learned about Redstone Conduits and it seems to be working swimmingly now. Thanks guys.
  11. Ah okay just making sure. It seems to be working great now. Thanks much.
  12. Aha! I see now. I didn't realize I needed to use a wrench. Just to be clear, the entire conductive pipe network needs to consist of conduits in order to be effective, right? Industrial, you mentioned that I'll "at least need two conduits," so does that mean I can use a different pipe in between?
  13. Am I doing something wrong? The tesseract is transmitting power successfully using BC pipes, but when connecting the tesseract to several Redstone Energy Conduits directly into the objects that are suppose to utilize the power, they aren't recharging.
  14. That sounds great. But, the power is sent to another place with a second energy bridge that converts it back to EU. However, I have a second wooden conductive pipe that connecting to the receiving phased conduction pipe, which leads to several MJ machines, and once those are full the power bunches up in the pipe and explodes.
  15. We recently put down several new MJ based machines in our (previously) EU exclusive base. The problem is that the Energy Tesseract continues to pump MJ even after all the base items are full of MJ, resulting in an explosion of the Golden Conductive Pipe. I tried putting a redstone energy cell down adjacent to the tesseract to try and control the flow of the energy but that still yields in an eventual explosion of the Golden Conductive Pipe. I'm sure its a simple fix, how can I essentially stop the MJ from flowing once its no longer needed?
  16. I corrected the system and now it seems to be working much better. Speaking of drawing power, these three MV Solar Arrays generate 192/t, yet the MFSU seems to export 70.5/t and the IC2 HV Consumer says its bringing in 141EU/t (double what the MFSU says). Why would it only bring in 141EU/t instead of the full 192/t? I even tried moving this stuff and plugging it into my 230EU/t Nuclear Power Plant and the Consumer still says its bringing in 141EU/t... Sorry if this is confusing. I can gather some images or perhaps a video tomorrow.
  17. Edit: I believe my problem was the LV Consumer instead of a MV/HV consumer/producer. While the issue has definitely gotten better, I'd like to know if theres more I can do to increase the amount of power being wirelessly sent. Original Post: Three Assets: Quarry Base Power Plant No assets are physically connected. The power plant currently contains three Medium Voltage Solar Arrays. The Solar Arrays transport power to the quarry and base by way of phased conductive pipe and an energy bridge (respectively). The Problem: The "base" MFE hardly brings in much power per-tick. It takes over a minute to charge a single 30k EU Jetpack. We previously had three LV Solar Arrays exclusively powering the base alone and that was MUCH faster. The setup: Power Plant: 3 Medium Voltage Solar Arrays > 3x Glass Fibre Cables > MFSU > 1x Glass Fibre Cable > IC2 LV Consumer > Energy Bridge > BC Producer > 1x Wooden Conductive Pipe > 1x Golden Conductive Pipe > Phased Conductive Pipe (Freq. 10, two outputs) Quarry: Phased Conductive Pipe (Freq. 10, Input) to 4 simultaneously running quarries via 5-6 Golden Conductive Pipes. (130 blocks or so from power station) Base: Phased Conductive Pipe (Freq. 10, Input) > 1x Wooden Conductive Pipe > 1x Golden Conductive Pipe > BC Consumer > Energy Bridge > IC2 LV Producer > 5x Glass Fibre Cable > MFE. Further (100 blocks or so to power station) Am I doing anything noticeably wrong? Having three LV Solar Arrays exclusively power our base was much faster than 3 MV Solar Arrays running 4 quarries and the base. Is there a limit on the EU/t / MJ/t on something that I don't know about? Any sort of power conversion loss with the converters? Are the quarries an EU/MJ sink? If conversion is the problem, is there a more efficient way to teleport EUs?
  18. So every day my energy tesseracts need to have the pipes leading into them "refreshed" by manually deleting a pipe thats feeding power into them and then placed back down in the same spot. It's odd because the power source thats feeding the power isn't empty at all. Is there a way to fix this, or a work around? More specific/current setup: MFE [600k/600k] >> Glass Fibre Cable >> IC2 LV Consumer > Energy Bridge > BC Producer > Wooden Conductive Pipe > Golden Conductive Pipe [x2] > Wooden Conductive Pipe > Energy Tesseract. Energy Tesseract > Wooden Conductive Pipe > Golden Conductive Pipe [x2] > Quarry.
  19. I'd love to hear more about managers and routers. I threw out the transposer and put in a filter with a timer. I'm not sure how to slow inputs, so I also put in a cobblestone pipe instead of a gold transport pipe and it seems to work now. Though if I can make the process more streamlined that'd be a great help.
  20. My recycler is producing cobblestone. I deleted the object and respawned it but it constantly produces cobblestone. The powerbar is maxed and is just keeps producing the same material that comes into the machine. Thoughts?
  21. When I set the Land Marks around a perfect (level) square, 60 tiles apart from one another, the right clicking action works perfectly - all 4 Land Marks activate and a red line connects them all. The problem is when I connect a quarry to the activated adjacent Land Mark. The black/yellow building outline quickly displays for what seems like a single tick, then disappears - the land marks pop out of the ground and the black/yellow bars are completely gone as if nothing was placed on the ground. I have a video of this: http://youtu.be/r1HVFsSeEi4 Thoughts? I set [buildCraft] as an OP but that did not work. It worked on the surface perfectly, I was able to create a 64x64 quarry that made it all the way down to bedrock.
  22. Edit: This server has been shut down and it's save file moved to a new provider
  23. My friends and I are incredibly new to the game, but the three of us are on regularly. We're all over 21, and use Teamspeak. If interested join our TS server sometime., pw mario. The server is hosted on my server PC (in-house, Milwaukee WI) and we've been looking to expand the server by 1-3 people. The world is only 1 week old and we've spent most of the time tinkering and experimenting. I don't have a static IP set up yet, so we use Hamachi for now.
  24. I have a typical wooden chest connected to a wooden transport pipe that connects to several diamond sorting transport pipes. If I use a standard redstone engine under the wooden transport pipe, the items reach their destination. However, I have a fairly large solar array system built up very near this location. I built up an IC2 LV Converter > Energy Bridge > BC Producer system in the hopes of using raw MJ to power the wooden transport pipe. Thus making the chest begin to send out the dumped items into their respective chests via the diamond transport system. The problem is that I am unsure how to power that wooden transport pipe properly. Do I absolutely need an engine there? I don't want something I have to constantly refill.
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