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Doctor Ivo Robotnik

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About Doctor Ivo Robotnik

  • Birthday 07/16/1980

Doctor Ivo Robotnik's Achievements


Dirt (1/9)



  1. Server has been open for a day now, but it's currently down, will be up shortly.
  2. Overhaul Kuchencraft is going to receive an overhaul soon, upgrading the RAM to over five times the current, increasing uptime, and allowing much more to be done to it. -About- KuchenCraft is a server that was created due to other servers having flaws that seemed to ruin the entire experience, KuchenCraft was made to have none of them. KuchenCraft has many fun plugins, such as Factions, and strives to be the best possible experience for the community, even accepting community feedback, criticism, and advice. only has mature admins, and they do not spawn any items in. Kuchencraft is 24/7, however there may be downtime for adding plugins or something similar. Unless stated otherwise in this thread, the server will not be permanently down. -Rules- - No Hacking - No Flaming - No Griefing Spawn, SafeZones, or WarZones - No abusing Lua - No begging to admins - No Combat Logging - No Homophobia - No Griefing inside your faction - No Duping, only EMC farms - No Fandom Bashing - No Terribad Faction Names - No Spawncamping IP: Major Plugins Factions McMMO Staff Application Form Age: Ingame Name: Experience with Minecraft: Experience with Tekkit: Experience with being an Admin: Experience with responsibility: Experience with Worldedit: Experience with Factions: Experience with Coding: Contact methods (Skype, Steam, etc.): Why you want to become admin:
  3. Overhaul Kuchencraft is going to receive an overhaul soon, upgrading the RAM to over five times the current, increasing uptime, and allowing much more to be done to it. -About- KuchenCraft is a server that was created due to other servers having flaws that seemed to ruin the entire experience, KuchenCraft was made to have none of them. KuchenCraft has many fun plugins, such as Factions, and strives to be the best possible experience for the community, even accepting community feedback, criticism, and advice. only has mature admins, and they do not spawn any items in.Kuchencraft is 24/7, however there may be downtime for adding plugins or something similar.Unless stated otherwise in this thread, the server will not be permanently down. -Rules- - No Hacking - No Flaming - No Griefing Spawn, SafeZones, or WarZones - No abusing Lua - No begging to admins - No Combat Logging - No Homophobia - No Griefing inside your faction - No Duping, only EMC farms - No Fandom Bashing - No one person Faction IP: Major Plugins Factions McMMO Staff Application Form Age: Ingame Name: Experience with Minecraft: Experience with Tekkit: Experience with being an Admin: Experience with responsibility: Experience with Worldedit: Experience with Factions: Experience with Coding: Contact methods (Skype, Steam, etc.): Why you want to become admin:
  4. But the lag isn't clientside, I have the best internet you can have, better than providers can give you, and five others complained as well ingame. And is there any particular reason the server is down?
  5. This server would be great, but it's horribly laggy. Also, I jokingly said I had an exray texturepack, and dogblitzzz (Who combat logged 7 times, is very unfriendly and racist), said he would report me.Do not take this report seriously, if you would be so kind.
  6. >Nearly no banned items >Bans two mods and 30 items
  7. The server sounded great until the part where you can't mine past iron.Shame, I was going to get a group of 6 friends to go on the server.
  8. 1- In-game Name: Shoopboi 2- Experience in Minecraft : Early Alpha 3- Experience in Tekkit : I have everything memorized, even many things most owners don't know. 4- What you wish to see in the server : No banned items and fair admins 5- Have you read the rules? : Yes 6- Do you have skype? - Yes : Shoopboi 7- What is the secret word? : Maniumox My friend has dyslexia so I'm applying for him too. 1- In-game Name: King_Nelso 2- Experience in Minecraft : Alpha 3- Experience in Tekkit : Very high 4- What you wish to see in the server : Building a house far far away 5- Have you read the rules? : Yes 6- Do you have skype? - Yes : nelso288 7- What is the secret word? : Maniumox Don't know if the server is still up, the owner was last online in 2012.
  9. "No mods disabled" Five paragraph list of banned items.
  10. You say no banned items but ban five items, and you spam bumps?You think that will attract people to your server?!
  11. Why do you say ALL of EE is enabled, but you ban the six most essential items?
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