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- Birthday 03/04/1972
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ive seen this on our server (its pretty cool to see), and we have zero hostile mobs spawning anywhere except these endermen. but they are far away from where anyone spends any time, wouldnt thes ehave to be in the chunks you have loaded to screw up the mobs spawning in your area? ive done a ton of searching and it seems lots of people have this problem, it might be a 1.4.5 vanilla bug actually. one guy put torches in a 272 x 272 block area, to create a mob farm in a dark building in the middle of the area, and found mob spawn rates dropped over time. the theory is that mobs would spawn at the very edge of the area and get stuck, so they would count as a spawned mob, but not be in an area that tey could even show up to the player. Or something like that. The guy put torches out to 300 x 300 blocks, and mobs started spawning again. but it seems there are many ways in which hostile mobs can stop spawning. in our old world it happened overnight, in our current world it dwindled over time until we just cant get any mobs to spawn at all except from spawners. Sucks.
I think the only 'mantra' around here is from all the whiners who complain about anyone who was happy with an existing mod, and doesn't feel that mod needs new features and machines to be useful. IC2 is pretty deep and complex, much more so than thermal expansion or whatever. Most people don't even know how many mj a quarry really uses (it does not use 100) because you cant even read the power usage without other mods. IC2 offers a pretty robust system. Different voltages, you can read power right on a cable and see usage, etc. pnot saying the newer mods arent as good, but people who knock ic2 are idiots. Its a good mod, stable and still very interersting. Think about ic2...Putting overclockers transformer upgrades and storage upgrades in a machine, or just making more of them vs .... just making more pulverizers. Every choice you are forced to make that requires you to think things through makes the game interesting. If the only answer is always 'make more pulverizers' or whatever, then it means things are more simple, and boring. Think about it, IC2 could have just had the same voltage for every machine. And it would be... like most other mods that use MJ. Why add this apparently needless step? It makes things interesting, makes more hurdles to climb which ultimately makes the end of the journey more satisfactory. This is why some people complain that Applied Energistics ruins the game for them... its so smooth, so maintenance free, that it makes things kind of boring. not for everyone of course. Ic2 is still a good mod.
yes private server.
I think the one thing ill miss most is the loss of basalt and marble.
I didnt complain about too much stuff, i said that if you make a pack that gives you a lot of stuff, give us a way to USE it all. I think youve been an idiot in just about any post you put on this forum. Grow up.
I use the mass fab to allow me flexibility. Do i want a building made primarily out of copper blocks? ok, lets do that. its fun to figure out how to make the machines run efficiently. In non-big dig modes, people would have to work to aquire resources to make... stuff from the toher mods. Combustion engines, steam boilers, etc. In big dig, you can make all of those things in a very short period of time. You cant put down 400 combustion engines, because the game lags (for me anyway). what are you doing...are you still making cobblestone castles? But go ahead, explain how the game is supposed to be played. YOu know this minecraft game is revolutionary because... it has no defined goal, no storyline. Unlike most games, you dont follow a path that is determined by the game designers, you can ... do whatever you want. but xanthan here seems to think he knows how the rest of us should play the game? Enlighten me, tell me how you play big dig, and why MY way is wrong?
Actually the point of this whole game is that... it isn't 'about' anything at all, really, you can do whatever you want. If you want to live in a tiny cave and just fill up chests with ores and never even smelt them or build even one building... you can. Ive seen plenty of people with plain stone, square houses on youtube, playing with all the industry style mods, power suits, etc. They dont really seem to 'build' anything special, just a big square building to hold their machines. Here is a secret... come closer, listen... the secret is... other people might actually not play the game the way you do. GET OUT RIGHT? Can you believe this??? Whew. Crazy, sit down, have a lemonade. It's been a long day, you need to relax. for people who just want to mine some ores in big dig and not really go nuts with the machines well... youre ignorign most of the mods. Which is fine, do whatever you want. It appears lots of people love the machines, which is why i am saying that without an open ended goal to pursue, the style of big dig will make people get bored. Here is another secret... i know is two in one day but prepare yourself. The secret is... people who only like building things play Creative mode, people who get enjoyment from 'working for it' and then building something, play survival. For many people, it's more satisfying to build a castle knowing you worked for all the resources. If you have so many resourcs that you dont need to WORK FOR anything, then you are basically in creative, and there is a reason we dont all play creative mode. Thats all for today folks, ill be here til wednesday! Make sure to tip your bartender!
Very mature of you. I use a mass fab to make ... more hv solars. if you guys dont want to 'get crap' to make stuff, play creative. Why do you play survival, if you dont like aquiring resources? Or go survival and use cheats or whatever.
applied energistics was in the old pack, and mechanism definitely sounds fun, i think with industrial craft i like 1: a hugely expensive, but super strong power source (hv solar) and 2: a reason to build those power sources (mass fab)
http://www.cracked.com/article_18461_5-creepy-ways-video-games-are-trying-to-get-you-addicted.html Canvox, im really serious here, you should read this. Why are things like farmville successful? They tap into basic human needs, and satisfy them. People like ccollecting and hoarding, and they like feeling that a month later, that they accomplished something. A key thing about that article and others like it, is that people *are more satisfied with accomplishing something if they had to do mundane, boring things to get to that point*. The game designers tried making games where the 'grinding' to get to a goal was fun and exciting... but it make the accomplished goal LESS fun, not more. It was the boredom that made things exciting, when you finally got there. This is why people hold right click and mine stone over and over. When they find a diamond, it makes it that much more satisfying, BECAUSE they spent all that boring time, mining stone. If people just wanted huge resources to build stuff, they could use creative, much of the appeal of survival is that you cant just make a building out of diamond blocks like you could in creative, so when someone sees your house with some rare item in it, you feel good about it. In our big dig world, the thing to brag about is hv solars, because its one of the few things that takes a decent amount of time to build. An hv solar is like...250 mj/t. without a mass fab, there is no real reason to go much over that amount of power. 100 for a quarry, 150 for production is plenty. in big dig, i was making an hv solar in a coupel days WITHOUT any sort of automation at all, just project tables. So within a few days, without something to give people a reason to keep wanting more power and to keep ccrafting, people will just be in... creative mode, basically. And theres a reason people dont only play creative mode, right? Anyway, i just think big dig needs some sort of open ended end game goal, something that keeps people wanting to building and mining 6 months into their world.
mekanism has a mass fab? huh
interesting. what is odd though is that it didnt affect the areas where the guys were using world anchors, but other sections of the world are completely changed.
cool thanks for the reply, my friend running our server is going to start backing up the world folder. i was using the dimentional anchor, but the others were using the world anchor. hmm. edit: im assuming that the world didnt correct itself when you removed the world anchors? whats odd is that the guys who used the world anchors had no issues, but i was 2000 blocks away, and my area is wrecked. huge 500 x 500 areas were transplanted, then other areas have individual chunks all messedup.
The key to industrial craft was that it scaled upwards a LOT. To me, mods like redpower just dont scale up much, so why would that mod be ideal for a game style that gives you LOTS of resources? There is no need for massive power with redpower, just some furnaces. There are no dusts, no mass fab, no quarry. Buildcraft gives you a need for a lot (100 mj/t) of power. To run one with buildcraft power takes a bit of time, thats ~17 combustion engines on fuel, or... 200 IC2 solar panels. The mass fab takes unlimited power, so big dig gives you a reason to always want more power, more ores, etc. Without the mass fab and wanting hv solar panels... you could quarry ONCE with landmarks, and just... not mine for ore ever again. So if you dont need to build more 'industry', why play mods at all? I havent seen the new mods, but i asked if there was a huge power requirement machine, and not much was suggested. I think the other mods were ideal for normal minecraft, with low resources, but with big dig, you need something that requires a TON of resources, and hv solars and the mass fab provided it. No othe rmod that ive seen offers the ability to 'always want more' stuff.
this is on the older version of big dig, but im just wondering if anyone has ever seen this before. Apparently, starting at the back of my house and going at least 1000 blocks in one direction, the world was basically just... re-spawned. My house was on the edge of extreme hills, it just cut them all off in a perfect line, and new land and water were spawned instead. Everything we built is gone, and new land is in it's place. Any ideas on what woudl cause this? This is like the 4th time we have lost all our work on our server, is there no way to back up worlds so you can just roll things back?