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Everything posted by AceOfSpades

  1. What is this Modpack about, Iv'e never played on it...
  2. My IGN is DA_total_miner, my situation is pretty much the same as thearmystrong, falsely banned, I'm 15, I use my skype, and the only mod in tekkit I know nothing about is computercraft I live in southern Cali, so on the west coast
  3. 1. Minecraft Username: DA_total_miner 2. What is your experience with Tekkit? about a year 3. Have you ever been banned from a server? If so, please explain. on an old server that i think was shut down, someone came in and greifed an entire area off of spawn, including my house. I was farily pissed off and at the time I needed a couple diamonds. There was another house that was abandoned and also got destroyed, I took 1 diamond and apparantly that was enough to ban me...I don't greif I was just pissed off 4. What do you plan on doing in Techluminal Tekkit? some kind of factory that produces different power sources (solar panels, generators etc.)
  4. IGN-DA_total_miner Experience-about a years worth of tekkit (2 years vanilla)
  5. This sounds like an amazing idea IGN-Da_total_miner Age-15 Minecraft experience-2 years Tekkit experience-1 year
  6. IGN-da_total_miner Age-15 Where you live-Cali Ideal starting biome-a very large Beach next to a jungle
  7. Name-Nigel IGN-DA_total_miner Age-15 Timezone-pacific Will you use Ventrilo-probably yeah Will you be a dedicated player on our server-yes if you add me XD Why should we add you-I have some experience I'm pretty good at tekkit but I'm not the absolute best and I like playing with other people :D
  8. IGN: DA_total_miner Age: 15 Skype: ManUForever1053 How long will you spend on a day: I don't know, depends on the time of year (i.e. finals for school training for football {soccer} etc.) but I'm on a lot Reason for wanting to join: Looking for a small nice server with nothing banned Favorite build: Solar Panel and power factories A little about yourself: Favorite sport is football (soccer for americans) and...well...I don't know...
  9. Looks cool IGN- DA_total_miner
  10. IGN: DA_total_miner Age: 15 Ever been kicked?: No. Why do you like tekkit?: It adds so much more to minecraft, the possibilities are endless. What can I bring to the community?: A friendly and helpful player with some experience.
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