My IGN is DA_total_miner, my situation is pretty much the same as thearmystrong, falsely banned, I'm 15, I use my skype, and the only mod in tekkit I know nothing about is computercraft I live in southern Cali, so on the west coast
1. Minecraft Username: DA_total_miner
2. What is your experience with Tekkit? about a year
3. Have you ever been banned from a server? If so, please explain. on an old server that i think was shut down, someone came in and greifed an entire area off of spawn, including my house. I was farily pissed off and at the time I needed a couple diamonds. There was another house that was abandoned and also got destroyed, I took 1 diamond and apparantly that was enough to ban me...I don't greif I was just pissed off
4. What do you plan on doing in Techluminal Tekkit? some kind of factory that produces different power sources (solar panels, generators etc.)
Will you use Ventrilo-probably yeah
Will you be a dedicated player on our server-yes if you add me XD
Why should we add you-I have some experience I'm pretty good at tekkit but I'm not the absolute best and I like playing with other people :D
IGN: DA_total_miner
Age: 15
Skype: ManUForever1053
How long will you spend on a day: I don't know, depends on the time of year (i.e. finals for school training for football {soccer} etc.) but I'm on a lot
Reason for wanting to join: Looking for a small nice server with nothing banned
Favorite build: Solar Panel and power factories
A little about yourself: Favorite sport is football (soccer for americans) and...well...I don't know...
IGN: DA_total_miner
Age: 15
Ever been kicked?: No.
Why do you like tekkit?: It adds so much more to minecraft, the possibilities are endless.
What can I bring to the community?: A friendly and helpful player with some experience.