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About waldlauefer

  • Birthday 09/30/1992

waldlauefer's Achievements


Dirt (1/9)



  1. warning do not go on that site random music assaulting ears
  2. My suggestion: No whitelist apps on the topics, for all servers there is easy solutions like google documents or their own forums. It would be that easy.
  3. Imo all whitelist servers should be required to have a seperate website, section or google documents page where people submit their apps or have their topics deleted.
  4. Username: wolfenstein19 Age: 21 What do you wish to accomplish?: Build a massive base Have you ever used IC2 or Buildcraft? yes and yes What is the function of a macerator? Pulverizing Ores, effectively doubling their output. Other: w/e
  5. Minecraft user name?: wolfenstein19 Why do you want to join?: seems nice modpack and im looking for smth with gregtech Are you willing to be patient while we get any snags sorted out with the server?: no ill rage like a maniac and bite my keyboad ... ofc Do you livestream?: nope
  6. Age (Any, Just be mature) 21 Name: Felix Ingame Name: waldlauefer Country: Germany Have you played FTB or Tekkit before? yep Why would you like to join? A short explanation will do, not your life story Seems like a cool server with alot of mods Do you agree to the server rules & Agree they may be changed at any time? yes
  7. Disable real Time scan in Antivir then download. Fixed for me.
  8. just look at the client info and connection channel - the information should be self explanatory. :)
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