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Posts posted by Kalthas

  1. nope very far and quite accurate! Think I used a slime(or was it wood) shaft. Don't use metal shafts as they are heavy and don't add damage.

    Also anyone notice that the battleaxe damage doesn't change if you use alumite vs cobalt vs manyullium? Heck it seems that as long as it's a decent quality material all do the same damage. Anyone know if this is intended or a bug?

  2. Ok, so I love tinkers construct! Love making new crap and love fiddling with the crafting mats to get the perfect blend of durability, damage, and innate bonuses. However with the new weapons I can't decide what I like the most. What's your favorite weapon? ...and do you find the new weapons/tools to be worth the massive amount of extra materials needed? Just looking for thoughts :)

  3. ha ha yes at night, no fire damage, gonna try a pumpkin head (forgot about that one) and looking at their feet just in case!

    ...I should totally post a video of me trying to kill endermen looking at the ground headless horseman style.

  4. Ok so on the surface this sounds like a stupid question, "How do you kill endermen?" But bare with me here....

    Every time I go up against an enderman I get him to like 4hp and he vanishes!! I'm used to them teleporting behind me and I used to be able to kill them no problem. I've been playing MC for a long time now and I never had this problem before.... This *seems* to be a new problem because I have noticed it in BigDig as well (but there they are just a annoyance so i don't care if they go away).

    Any thoughts or suggestions?

  5. I'm actually really enjoying the smelters from tinkers construct. I automate them to produce blocks of each ore. Makes the equivelent of 9 ingots quite quickly and storage for the massive amount of ore in bigdig is much simpler. You do need lava but it doesn't seem to use all that much.

    There's also something fun about multiblock structures and I feel very industrious piping lava and molten metal around!

  6. Yes you can make factories of all types... you just make the factory but sub in a crusher or enricher in place of the smelter. They all just have the same skin (which is a little annoying)

    From what I know you can't change them once built though.

  7. get a minecraft editing program (i used MCEdit). Load your world. Delete all entities in the area around your house. Will get rid of all those chocobos. Load your game and kill any stragglers. Don't breed chocobos again. From what I can tell theres a bug w/ chococraft that happens when you breed the chocobos.

    Kinda sucks cause there goes half of the fun in chococraft!

  8. so i'm confused... are you TESTING the LATEST version or are you just trying to play the RECOMMENDED version? If it's the recommended version try reading the "Lagging out or crashing on joining? Try these steps" thread. If that doesn't help it's probably your computer lacking the required "skills" to run this massive pack of mods. (or maybe someone else will chime in with something more helpful)

    Probably the reason you did not get help in the testing thread is your problem is most likely not related to the test build

  9. I'm guessing you have your turbines too far above the water. You can have only one block of water now so decrease the height of your reactor by one row. So basically you need one level where your reactor sits surrounded by boiling water and the NEXT LAYER UP should be your turbines. The turbines should spin even if there are no cables connected so I don't think its entirely your cable setup. However can the redstone conduit transmit UE power? I thought they were just for MJ. Also try replacing with all universal cable and see if that makes it better. Hopefully that helps.

  10. lol it was creepy as hell at first b/c I couldn't understand what it was saying, but now me and my server mates more often than not end up whispering it hoping to trick the other players..... yes we all have no lives!

  11. Or you could set up a level emitter to turn on/off the processing of dusts. This way you set the threshold of how many free dusts you want in your system. Say you want one stack at all times. Set the level emitter to turn on the exports to the furnaces ONLY when you have more than 64 dusts in the system. You could make this more complicated and add a pulverizer that receives ingots to mash if the level drops below 64. Good luck! :)

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