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About shaaaa

  • Birthday 09/22/1990

shaaaa's Achievements


Grass (2/9)



  1. bonemeal is infinite when used on most natura's trees
  2. this big dig update was planned before this version was released; in fact, this update should be updated.
  3. and if this doesnt work, delete manually the big dig folder (backup your saves before doing that)
  4. Just drag & drop ars magica into the mod folder. I wish one day there'll be a full magic modpack :p
  5. can we hope a few more magic mods in the future of Big Dig ?
  6. i recommend you to use a bioreactor and a biofuel generator, those are amazing. For storing electricity use an energy cube and universal cables.
  7. why banning windmills ? BTW i suggest you to ban op explosives
  8. it doesnt work with 1.3.13 for me.
  9. source Minecraft 1.6 is coming.. and you can test it ! bug fixes for the test version : But then July 1st comes the real 1.6 source
  10. Cheap shot summed up all my thoughts.
  11. I have a white screen on startup. I've tried 1.3.13 on two other computers (1 linux and 1 windows) and it worked only on one (linux). It's kinda strange... EDIT: I manually deleted the .technic/big dig folder and then re downloaded it and it works fine.
  12. when will be the bigdig server up ?

  13. Its not easy to be a pony
  14. How can you not be interested in Hexxit ? There'll be sandworms in it! AND EVEN BEAVERS !
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