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Everything posted by HGW10

  1. Is the server down
  2. Hunan after seeing the above post I know its not true. Madert cant have banned you because Gen told be yesterday that mods cant ban people. I will ask gen to help u. Mod: Krum
  3. I get kicked right after it says something about NEI 1.4.7
  4. I logged in just know, nobody was on. I stayed on for a couple of seconds and then day and night flickered like a lighting glitch. A couple of creepers spawned around me, then I got "end of streamed"
  5. Still not workin
  6. Reset pack, still doesn't work :-(
  7. How do I reset pack?
  8. Still saying end of stream
  9. maybe its DD mod with is messing this up
  10. I really wanna play
  11. We have to get gen
  12. I think that means he is missing some mods
  13. why don't u tell gen
  14. Wish server would work
  15. ok where can I contact generic to apply
  16. Maybe generic has temporarily stopped any non mods or admins from coming on
  17. Rackman? I would also like to apply as a mod for the server GenericLand. I am quite knowledgeable with the mods in TL and would love to be a bigger part of the server community. Nothing has ever gone wrong with me on the server. At the moment me and the_entity2000 are working on stuff together as he is new to TL. Thanks for your time. Krum
  18. Angry!!!! Its You. I live opposite the_entity2000, it is true, thanks for helping him with the nether pump. He is new to tekkit and I could not help him as I went on holiday. I think you would be a great mod.
  19. Hey Rob, We have the same problem
  20. Is it still down, I am trying to get on and it carries on saying "end of stream"
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