age 18
-timezone and country of residence AEST, Australia
-experience with minecraft/voltz (just so i know, im not a genius myself), Beginner/ intermediate. Very good theoretical knowledge, but lacking experience.
-what attracts you to my idea/server I think its a good balance between pvp & raiding. SOunds like it could be a lot of fun.
-are you willing to group up with others or me or are you a lone wolf I like being in a team with others, but after playing minecraft factions, I've become incredibly sceptical & distrustful of anyone. So I'm probably going to start off on my own or in a small group.
-do you think that you understand my views about the difference between stupid grief and just fun pvp? I definitely understand your ocncept for the server. Griefing is destructive, made even more so by the ICBM mod. PVP, such as a few conventional missiles to attack defenses (not solar panels), pranks & raiding can be fun more both players.