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Everything posted by Vivacity

  1. Delete your entire hexxit folder and re-download. Back up your save. If it still crashes then it's got to be an issue with your world.
  2. Reset the pack. The report cuts off but I see unknown character and this is a common error. Hit the gear box under the hexxit image and click Reset. It should Redownload all the files.
  3. Your friend could have a better computer. I wouldn't notice if my fps dropped by 25 Try resetting to pack, dedicating more ram, and ticking increase permgen size
  4. Well routes that aren't as minimal as possible. Infinite loops. Stuff like that.
  5. There's probably something in your house causing this lag. Inefficient pipe design maybe.
  6. You know there's a thread dedicated to this. And people do it for free.
  7. Perhaps you should read the rules. http://forums.technicpack.net/index.php?threads/3918/ Afterwards I want you to go back and read our posts and find an instance where I broke a rule.
  8. Well don't expect it to be stable or complete.
  9. Your world is using 1.5 Gb because you have 32 bit Java installed. Only 64 can use over.
  10. Oh all right. I've seen some issues resolved from disabling anti-virus.
  11. Memes are not allowed on this forum. Especially ones that make no sense.
  12. What's the conversion ratio. .8 eu=2.4 MJ?
  13. The original Technic is 2 years old now. Did you expect them to stop updating this entire time.
  14. Try re-downloading the tekkit server files, starting a world on the new server, then replacing the new world files with your old one. If it still lags then there's some thing on your world leeching the resources.
  15. Can you post the launch setting for your server.bat
  16. 588 KMJ/Bucket If im not mistaken it's 588,000
  17. Nope. I've never seen a decent computer in Public. Except at the MS Store, they have 2 gaming models for sale. Good stuff, GTx 680 but not public. The best I've seen is a cart of i3 netbooks in my school. But their used for testing only. The closest place that cells hardware is 2 hours away. A Microcenter I have to get stuff shipped in from Newegg
  18. Just because a YouTuber uses it doesn't mean it's official. Official Packs are Hexxit, Tekkit, Big Dig, Hack/Mine and Yogsbox The ones that are default.
  19. Minecraft is worth 1000 times the price. I've spent more time playing minecraft then all the other games I own combined. I don't see it slowing down anytime soon, YouTube still has a strong fan base, devs are updating it, and the molding community can compare to no other.
  20. What kind of public computer has the power to play Tekkit My school is running Celerons The library near me is using 98
  21. How many people should a 25 mb upload speed handle?
  22. What Galacticraft version did u download?
  23. These forums don't provide support for custom packs. Any issues will have to be dealt with by the author.
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