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Everything posted by Maartmann

  1. Full name: Daniel Eriksen Age: 22 Minecraft Username:Maartmann How long have you been playing Minecraft:Since beta How long have you been playing Voltz: One maybe two month How much knowledge do you have of Voltz: Enough to know how do build everything and smart enough to use google when I dont Why do you want to play on this server: I want to play on a whitelisted server to avoid players with less intelligence and too big mouths. Also I love voltz What can you contribute to this server: I am a pretty good architect so big ass buildings. Do you have a microphone: Of course If you said yes to the above, do you have Teamspeak 3: Yes Do you have a Youtube Channel, if so, what is your username: No Have you ever been banned before: No What type of computer do you have: The homebuilt kind... not involving any wood. Spec: Intel dualcore 3,3ghz, 8gb, Amd Radeon 7970
  2. Edit: O didn't see your post well well
  3. Team Name: Forever alone Name: Maartmann If more than one member.... Well, no need to finish Why should you join? Because...... Well...... You know..... Uhmm... Funny? On a serious note, I am a fiend... I mean friendly. And I love to big massive buildings and weapon arsenal that will bring de.... prosperity to the world. I am a skilled engineer, what ever I build will blow up... when intended off course and I can do all this while I eat a banana. Impressed? Do you realize this is a server without plugins? Well, I'll survive
  4. Hi! Ingame name: Maartmann I am 22 years old. I live in Sweden +1:00 GMT. I have played tekkit, original tekkit, voltz and vanilla. I have played around a lot with frames, sorting machines, redstone setups and more. The reason I want to whitelisted is that I want to play voltz but I don't like hardcore PvP. I like to play one whitelisted servers to avoid griefers and because small server often have better communities. I am something of a lone wolf but I am happy to help others and give ideas and help. But I don't share my plot hahahah The reason I want to get into this server is because you and I are on the same wavelength considering greifing and fun PvP
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