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Everything posted by wenth

  1. awesome! loved the back story bit. what sort of lets play were you thinking of mil? sounds interesting to me.
  2. yes its after regen and the server is all settled down we dont want to have to keep remaking stuff. but yes, iv talked to a few and i know at least 4 others in on the idea. 5 with clone now i think.
  3. PLAYER TOWN BUILD OFF! (after server regen) I and a few other players are going to create one giant town (not our home base's just a giant town) with the intent of rivaling the mods/admins building! we want to show them the power of the player! any one willing to build and play along nicely is welcome to join in on the build off (note it has no end time this is just a player event kind of thing) starting buildings -Giant factory (we will need some where to make insane amounts of simple mats IE stone, wood, clay and so on. so the first building made will probably be an under ground factory) -paths (the town will need a layout to fallow so wandering paths will be needed) -plots (the town above ALL needs to look good, so placing down torches in a fence and placing a sign stating who and what will be built there is a must) odds and ends -chunk loading: will be a no no, i will keep the main factory area chunk loaded save your chunk loaders for at your own base -helping some one build: just ask who ever is in charge of building what you want to help build and play along nicely -making a new build: nothing fancy just place down the torches and sign (ill have an example set up) and make sure your design fits the area its in. you don't have to copy every one but don't put a high tech looking gizmo next to a forest house please using community mats: if your using them for building the community go for it other wise please only take some for your own builds if there are some massive amounts of the mat laying around joining the community: just msg some one in the community and they can TP you to the town and eventually you'll be able to pick up a linker book to make your own way there saving you the /home space
  4. also it looks like we have about half the community voting to regen the world! *thumbs up*
  5. any more weps would be nice, the tinker weps are epic but it whould be nice to have more options for exploring as well as building. one can only build so much till they start seeing blocks when they close there eyes. and iv always liked a good dungeon crawl. that said it whould probly have to be in a difrent world so we can regen it so the server dosnt get over loaded quickly and need to be regened again
  6. thanks tub i got it. no idea how ender men are getting in with the interdiction torch must be tp from some where near by
  7. some one keeps punching holes in my work shop island. will keep an eye out for you tub to help figure out who it is. is there any one else that can use your god commands to see who has messed with blocks in an area i should look for to help me figure this out in case i cant get ahold of you soon?
  8. o_O cant reach server.....o dear god dont tell me i crashed us again O_O all i did was take my fire stone out of the boiler!!!!
  9. ok so don't put a hopper on an EXP bottler....they don't like it...and tub probably wants to kill me.....again
  10. there is no recipe for netherrack brick. id like to use some. could we possible have it be craftable in the next update?
  11. thanks tub, btw villagers arnt smelting any more....didnt do any thing to my forge i was using to smelt them into emeralds. is that off now?
  12. o good. annnnd now it freeze and tells me somthing about a bad log in O_o o_O well guess tekkit must be being weird again.
  13. failed to login :java.io.IOException: Server returned HTTP responce code: 503 for url (long as fucking url) o_O cant get this to stop popping up when i try and log in....java is upto date iv tryed re-opening the launcher a few times....any one else getting this msg?
  14. o_O sawarakan has loged in and been forced out about 12 times now after dieing in the mine age she cant seem to get back in the server again now
  15. o_O um....i tryed to do /back to get back to the deep dark and now i cant log in...my game closes every time i try to log in....and i died right before that ;_; so i lost all my items
  16. server is still having really weird lag on the server. fine moving around but braking blocks takes like 2-3 trys and smelting in a tinker furnace keeps going back and forth a tick every now and again making it take like 2-3 times longer to smelt and the same happens when pouring the block
  17. whats up with the sever? 1 its off line and 2 it reads 1.6.4 on the server selection screen
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