Before any of you say check other forum threads and posts, I did. I followed every instructions and tried every single guide, I made sure it was a direct link, I made sure it was a zip and not a rar,etc... but still im getting this unzipping error. I Apologize if I sound like a douchebag, but its because the last time I attempted to post something like this, I ended up with a private messaging calling me a idiot and telling me to check threads I already checked.
Anyway, I can't find the problem after checking multiple guides and links and threads, and looking over everything twice. I bet im just making some stupid mistake, and I apologize if that's all it is... please, I realy need help. .
I only have minecraft forge(in the form of the mudpack.jar file), Not enough items, Core Chicken Core, and obsidian reinforced installed. I doubt any of these is causing the problem, but ill mention it here in case it is.
Link to modpack:
Yes, this was made as a test, and I would realy like to know why its not unzipping. If none of you can find the problem, can you at least send me a link to a 1.5.2 modpack I can edit which you KNOW works.