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About jackallock

  • Birthday 01/01/1900

jackallock's Achievements


Dirt (1/9)



  1. Age: 21 Experience: Just downloaded the pack. How often you'll be playing: Few hours a day. From: U.S. Skype: None IGN: jackallock
  2. IGN: Jackallock Age: 20 Why would you like to join our community? I'm looking for a fun hexxit community to play with. Have you read, and agree to all of our rules? Yes and yes. Do you know how to install the Hexxit Mod Pack? Yes.
  3. [Name] Patrick [Age] 20 [skype] No Skype [Why do you want to join] Looking for a small fun server to play on. [MC username] jackallock
  4. IGN: Jackallock Age:19 Youtube Channel(If you have one): None Would you donate: Probably not
  5. Really enjoying my time on this server. The custom biomes change things up so everything feels fresh and the biome specific ore really adds a new challenge wile not being overly difficult. I highly recommend this server to those looking for a unique experience.
  6. Ah well, that's kind of a bummer.
  7. Sorry if this is a really dumb question, I was just curious because I'd like to find a H/M server with towny and such.
  8. I'd like a good land claiming system that allows people to protect their stuff. I also like when a server gives you a decent set of starting tools. Things like wooden tools, maybe even a solar panel. But most importantly, I want to be able to use the transmutation table. Those are my top 3 things.
  9. Sorry for the double post, but is the server ip the same as my ip address?
  10. How do I change the port?
  11. I shut down everything with Java in the description, but it didn't help. Any other ideas?
  12. Hey guys. I'm trying to start a server for me and a few friends and I'm following this guide: All you do is you download Tekkit_Server_2.0.zip then you extract it into a folder, and run launch.bat. Once you have done that, the server console should appear and wait for i to say "Done". Then type in the console "stop" and it will shutdown. Then you open server_properties and configure it the way you like it and put in your ip and the port. Then run launch.bat again and there you go, your server is running. Everything goes fine till I run the launch.bat a second time. I end up getting this: "Failed to bind to Port The exception was: java.net.bindException: Cannot assign requested address: JUM_Bind Perhaps a server is already running on that Port" Anyway, sorry if this is a stupid question, but does anyone know what my problem is?
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