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Everything posted by J0P5

  1. Increasing ram allocation doesn't work for 99% of the people. If minecraft would need more ram it would take it, generally doesn't require more then 500mb. The problem seems to be the fan, check and maybe clean it, could help. Also make sure your world doesn't have a gazillion items laying around somewhere, that will dramatically decrease your fps.
  2. Well as far as tree farming goes, CC should easily be able to take that part over. Wheat farming would be a little harder, but using compare() may even make this possible.
  3. they aren't removing it because they want to. They are removing it because sirSengir doesn't like technic / tekkit, and made the mod incompatible with the technic launcher. Ofcourse it does seem like it's only a few if-else's which can easily be fixed, but I don't think you want to start that battle.
  4. We just disabled EE completely, people bitch about it, but who cares, if they want EE they'll just have to find another server, find out EE is unbalanced and dangerous and then come crawling back.
  5. Maybe because every derp that joins the server starts complaining about EE not being available. Honestly I would love a replacement for the bags and bigger chests instead of EE. I love EE, it's just not great for smp, if you combine it with other mods. It's great for technic though.
  6. Re: Best way to prevent Combustion Engine overheating? Buildcraft 3.x is still SP only, this is posted in General Tekkit SMP so I am going to assume he asked for a way to do this in Buildcraft 2.x
  7. I don't care about the duping, it's a bug that will eventually be fixed. EE is a great mod, it's a lot of fun, and it's great for Technic. For tekkit however, it ruins it. It makes it way too easy to go up super fast, there is barely any need for IC2 machines. Not even starting on the tools it has, which make griefing unstoppable.
  8. Yes items can destroy protected areas. the Plugins are built for bukkit, not tekkit (sadly). That's one of the main reasons to disable EE (besides it being OP in combination with the other mods).
  9. or disable item drops in NEI and then do the WE command. Not sure if it will work, but it will at least prevent your fps from dropping to 0
  10. Spacetoad makes videos him self, which are quite useful. In general I suggest Direwolf21's videos. He does a lot of mods at once, most of them are in Tekkit / technic.
  11. Burn a piece of red matter in the relay
  12. Launcher/pack Version: 2.1.1 Operating System: N/A Version of Java: N/A Description of Problem: The energy link I had no longer works, it is blinking instead of a solid 'beam'. I added 2 more of them to see if it would change, and it keeps blinking. At first I thought it was just a visual bug, but my forrestry machines are no longer working either, and don't seem to receive any energy. Yes they do receive enough EU/t, a stead 128 EU/t to be exact. No I did not change anything since before the update, where it did work. Error Messages: N/A Link to pastebin of log: N/A
  13. ah I thought you meant the behavious changing in general, I think it's do-able. Lemme see what I can do, not that much of a Java expert though.
  14. I actually doubt that... wouldn't it be possible to give it the lava physics, water textures, make it not hurt the player etc. Should be fairly simple to do. Let me go dig into the code for that one.
  15. For stuff like this I always use redpower's pneumatic tubes. They don't have these issues.
  16. what are the odds he's actually talking about the technic multiplayer (non bukkit version)? :P
  17. You should use the technic launcher, and choose the right version of tekkit... Why are people too stupid to do research... I mean this goes beyond lazy.
  18. Ok I am not 100% sure, didn't check but shouldnt it be: rs.setBundledOutput("back", colors.yellow, true) ?
  19. -___- I feel like this forum has an increasing amount of members from the US.... step 1: download the technic launcher step 2: double click the TechnicLauncher.exe icon step 3: select tekkit step 4: play tekkit
  20. wrong section but: if you don't give them OP they shouldnt be able to spawn items, if you do give them OP, they will always be able to spawn items.
  21. Oh it's real easy, the faction plugins prevents griefing right? The arboretum destroys blocks, the faction plugin sees an arboretum as a regular playing trying to break a block, and not allowing it. Some protection mods (like regios) allow you to add mods as an exception, perhaps this is also working for the factions plugin.
  22. and you guys are all 100% sure that the place you are trying this, is not protected by any plugins?
  23. read the sticky on how to post a bug, then try again and we might be able to help.
  24. Re: Is there a way to properly protect an area/chunks/spawn ? Regios, works great, just not for technic blocks. (But then again, I doubt you want those in your spawn).
  25. you will know when it's released.
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