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About Rx2TF

  • Birthday 01/01/1900

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  1. I think you're trying to say that you run two servers using the same address (maybe with different ports). Have you tried changing the port numbers used by dynmap for each server? Try setting two different ports for each.
  2. I just recently had been messing with the config for dynmap and now I see this! Thanks for the config snippet! Oh and I noticed it lacked "b" in the first line "buildcraft-support: true". Just wanted to point that out in case it's not obvious enough for others.
  3. Re: Bugs found in Tekkit 2.0 I did the Weapon Mod fix and the projectiles/entities show up but I'm can't seem to fire the cannon. I can place it on the ground, and even load it but even when I rightclick on it to aim, when I press the jump key it doesn't fire... Is anyone else having this problem?
  4. Re: What kind of [sERVER ONLY] mods do you use ? Call them plugins not mods lol (Title). I use a lot of plugins so I won't link them. (You can just search for them anway) ChessCraft: In game chess with a giant board and even a timer! ChestShop: Sign based shops Citizens: NPCs CleanroomGenerator: A configurable world generator that I use for Multiverse. CreativeGates: Be able to make decorated portals. CreeperHeal: Highly configurable. Allows healing of explosions/fire after they happen (even prevent them). DeathControl: Be able to get your items back after death. It has nice configuration options and economy support. DeathNotifier: Customizable death messages. dynmap: Browser viewable map. It doesnt support custom blocks though so they would appear as shadows only. dynmap-mobs: Addon to see mob locations on the dynmap. Dynmap-WorldGuard Addon to see worldguard regions. Essentials: I use this as a chat/command handler/plugin. EssentialsChat: Addon to customize chat features. Factions: Faction based chunk ownership/protection. ForeverALoad: Keep chunks loaded. iConomy: Default economy plugin Jail: Self explanatory. Has an optional escape feature. Jobs: Customizable jobs. Pays per action and has job levels. Lockette: Door and Chest protection. Lumberjack: A better, more configurable alternative to the WoodChop plugin (WoodChop has issues with worldguard). mcMMO: Gives skills, levels, abilities. MobArena: Fight mobs, get rewards. Has a wave and boss system. MobDisguise: Changes your appearance into a mob. Modifyworld: More PermissionsEx nodes. MultiInv: Per world or group of worlds inventory. Multiverse: Multiworld plugin MultiversePortals: Cuboid Selectable portals. NoCheat: Prevent/detect odd behavior NoSpeedKick: No more "Moving too quickly" errors. Use in conjunction with NoCheat to prevent security vulnerabilities. Permissions: Bukkit perms emulator for PermissionsEx PermissionsEx: The permission plugin I use. PickBoat: Configurable boat behavior (indestructibility, returns boats instead of sticks, etc.) Pigasus: Configureable chance to spawn flying mobs per world. PorteCoulissante: Epic castle gates. Rakamak: Ingame registration/login. Useful for offline-mode servers. OreObfuscator: Anti X-ray plugin. RecipeManager: (included in tekkit) Allows for custom recipes/banning of recipes. Register: Economy API plugin. ShowCaseStandalone: Slabs that displays items. Can be shops or information givers. SpleefExtreme: Nice spleef plugin. VoxelGadgetSurvival: Basically a ranged block deployer/breaker. I use this for water fountains. VoxelPort: Teleport with style! VoxelSniper: Teraforming tool. War: PVP arena plugin. WorldEdit: It's like an ingame MCEdit. WorldGuard: Protect definable regions.
  5. MC Patcher is unnecessary. Optifine provides HD texture support.
  6. Thanks, got it to work. My issue was that I placed Player API in the mods folder. Placing it directly in the Tekkit.jar file got it to work. (I still placed the SmartMoving zip file in the mods folder)
  7. You can actually use most of the features of this mod once you enable flight in the server config. You wouldn't be able to crawl under 1 block spaces though. And other players won't see the animations.
  8. I agree about CommandBook, Essentials and other plugins are more modular than CommandBook. (Removed it as well) Regarding permissions, there are other permission plugins as well. I use PEX for my server. (not gonna fetch the my permissions list right now cause it includes nodes from other plugins that wouldn't really be needed by the others here)
  9. What versions did you use and how did you get them to work? I keep on getting errors whenever I log in my server.
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