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Posts posted by VideoBoy

  1. I think it should be fairly easy to create plugin to automatically give player permissions to fly when they equiup swiftwolf, jetpack or arcana and then remove permission when they take it off. But still, they may put jetpack on to bypass security, but then use hack fly to gain abilities of swiftwolf cheaply.

    If I remember correctly, orebfuscator is highly customizable. It allows you to define what blocks are hidden. But I think it needs Spout, so it would not work with tekkit.

    The only concerning one is xray/chestfinder. Wonder if orebfuscator can be configured for tekkit? Even so, underground bases can still be found with divining rods.

    Oreby does not need Spout and you can add custom ores to the config. The reason I don't use it is because engine 1 is pretty much useless, and for engine 2 to work right you have to add all the new semi-transparent blocks to the list. If you don't then any solid block behind a pipe or a tube or anything not square will show up as a random ore. Which I'm kinda lazy to do. The point is: Orebfuscator can be configured to work with Tekkit but it takes some work to set up.

    And Matejdro, apparently it's not so easy, otherwise someone would've made it already. It wouldn't be 100% effective against fly mods as you stated but at least they have to get a jetpack before they can start cheating. :P

  2. There is a legit alternative to xray? Please, do tell.

    Bro, read my post:


    Small scrapbox factory with MV solarpanel -> free materials out of thin air -> upgrade to HV solar panel -> more free materials -> add another solar panel -> even more free materials -> add another solar panel -> even more free materials -> add another solar panel -> even more free materials -> add another solar panel -> even more free materials -> add another solar panel -> even more free materials -> add another solar panel -> even more free materials

    Exponential growth. Specially if any extra power not used to burn cobble into scrap goes to a mass fabricator which makes even more materials. XD

    Stack of diamonds a day. Could be more depending on how many block breakers and recyclers you add. :P

  3. guilty. the J stands for judging, it's what I do. you're welcome.

    speaking as someone who has actually worked for comcast as internet tech support, abusing the guy will get you absolutely nowhere. btw, AT&T has a 250gig cap on their U-verse service. however, I'm pretty sure they don't give you the boot if you use more than that. your only real hope is to pray that FIOS comes to your area.

    the termination thing has been a comcast policy for a few years now, it's just not exactly a well known one and also used to be hard to hit. if you're a netflix fiend, I can see you blowing that cap constantly nowadays though. don't expect comcast or AT&T to change though, netflix and such are basically in direct competition with them, they've got no reason to help them out. their answer is to use their TV/on demand movie services, which suck in comparison of course.

    Guess I'm going back to torrents then. At least then I only have to download stuff once. The only reason I switched to Netflix was so I can use that Sony streaming box in the living room for the huge TV. And yeah, FIOS... but they ain't coming down here any time soon. I'm in Tennessee. :/

    Not to worry, my top men managed to fix your problem.


    Haha this. XD

  4. Uh, yeah, you're kindof an idiot.

    Hey, don't judge! I always get the urge to troll those tech support guys on the internet... but this one ended rather decently. Mostly because he actually conversed with me. It must've been a slow day at work BECAUSE OF HOW MANY CUSTOMERS THEY'RE LOSING DUE TO THE DAMN DATA CAPS:

    You: Chris, are you gay?

    Chris: I am proud to be a guy.

    You: Cool. But do you like other guys?

    Chris: Yes, but as friends and nothing more.

    You: So you like girls?

    Chris: Yes, I do.

    You: How old are you, Chris?

    Chris: I am 25 years old.

    Chris: Please feel free to chat back with us if you have any questions regarding our packages.

    Chris: Are there any other questions I can answer for you today?

    You: Yeah. Do you have one of them survey links you guys hand out to get a raise? Most tech support fags hang up after I start trolling, but you stayed. For that, you deserve max ratings on everything.

    You: You are the best tech support assistant I have had the pleasure of dealing with.

    Chris: I could have provided you with the detailed information on the technical side of our internet, yet I cannot provide you more since only our technical support team can provide you with the detailed one.

    You: Stop copypasting from your little scriptbook, Chris. We're having a man-to-man conversation here.

    You: Do you play videogames?

    Chris: I rarely do that one.

    You: Do you have Comcast internet?

    Chris: Yes, we do.

    You: We? Are you married?

    Chris: I am not yet married. I am still looking for the right partner.

    You: I see, I see. What state do you live in?

    Chris: I am in California right now.

    Chris: I am sorry but I cannot disclose anything more for you. It would be much better if you call and inquire on our internet services.

    Chris: I really appreciate the time you spent with me.

    You: I'll let you go back to work then. It was nice speaking to you.

    You: Yeah me too. XD

    Chris: Thank you for your time as well.

    Chris: Thank you for visiting Comcast today. I hope you'll come visit us again soon.

    Chris: You have a wonderful day.

    You: Shit, I'm staying with Comcast now just for their tech support. Well played, Chris. You have a wonderful day too.

  5. I have 3 servers, configured, with a print screen:

    Note: All three are Dell PowerEdge 2950's.

    They differ in generation (I, II, III).

    - http://imageshack.us/photo/my-images/402/screenshot20120822at103.png/

    - http://imageshack.us/photo/my-images/594/screenshot20120822at103.png/

    - http://imageshack.us/f/18/screenshot20120822at115.png/

    My Internet Speed:

    Down: 40MB/s

    Up: 4MB/s

    My question:

    Which server will work best,and will they be able to host:

    24/7, 10-15 players.

    10-15 players yeah, but I'd say that'll be your limit because of the shitty 4Mbit upstream. You can put up more player slots but it'll be laggy. It's a matter of quality vs. quantity. Any of those systems can handle more than that so I'd say go for the cheapest one.

  6. Check out the underlined bold part below. I'm screwed.

    Chris: Hi, I'm a live Comcast product specialist. Would you like my help checking out?

    Chris: Just type your question below.

    You: Your new data cap of 300GB sucks.

    Chris: There is a 250 GB bandwidth limit on our internet service. No worries, more than 99% of our customers will not be impacted by a 250 GB monthly data usage threshold.

    You: I've already exceeded the cap and it's only the 22nd of the month... guess I'm in the other 1%.

    Chris: If you exceed more than 250 GB, you may receive a call from the Customer Security Assurance team to notify you of excessive use.

    You: Yeah I kept seeing those annoying popups on webpages.

    Chris: If you exceed 250GB again within six months of the first contact, your service will be subject to termination and you will not be eligible for either residential or commercial internet service for twelve months. If your account is terminated, after the twelve month period expires, you may sign up for service again.

    You: Comcast was great before this shit... now I'm thinking of going back to AT&T. I can't pay $10 per extra fifty gigs.

    You: Wait what? Terminate my account? So the incremental $10 fees aren't good enough?

    You: You're a residential cable company, not a wireless network. Start acting like it. Who else has data caps? This is ridiculous, sir.

    Chris: I understand that you are looking to reduce cost. To discuss lower priced options, please call our Customer Service Team at 1-800-COMCAST (1-800-266-2278) for more information. They will be able to access your account information and see what options are available to you.

    You: What other residential internet company has data caps, Chris?

    You: Can't find the script for that one, huh?

    Chris: Our Billing Chat Agents are the best group to help you with all of your Billing and Account questions. I’m happy to walk you through the simple steps to connect to that group.

    Chris: Are you ok with me sending you to the appropriate webpage to connect to that group?

    You: No. I want you to tell me what other residential internet service puts data caps on their customers.

    You: I use 600GB and up per month, kid. I can't live on 300 gigs.

    Chris: Please click here to access the page.

    You: Just submit my complain to your boss and have him submit it to his boss. I'm sure I'm not the only customer you're losing.

    Chris: Once you reach the Comcast Support page place your mouse over the Trouble tab and click on the product you are experiencing issues with from the options in the drop down menu.

    Chris: You will see a series of Frequently Asked Questions that you may find helpful; otherwise, click Chat With Live Agent.

    You: Oh my god... are you human or are you a bot?

    You: If you're a bot, congrats on the programming.

    Chris: I am a real person. You will be asked to provide a short description of your issue and some account information (name, address, phone #, and if you have it, your account number). Then click Start Chat.

    Chris: Is there anything else I can help you with today?

    You: Yeah. Tell me why you suddenly start putting up data caps.

    You: I'm already cancelling my service, but I'm still curious.

    You: Are you guys broke or something?

    Chris: I am sorry but only our technical support team can provide you with the detailed information on our data cap.

    You: Put him on the line, will ya?

    Chris: I gave you the link to chat with our technical support team.

    You: Chris, are you gay?

    He actually responded and now we're having a totally off topic discussion... will post part 2 later. XD

  7. You want to play this game? Alright.

    I said your system isn't exponential, not that it isn't expendable. Almost every factory is expendable, whether it be a diamond, UU-matter, cobble of cake factory. Like you said, you just have to add components to augment the output. However, this is not an exponential system.

    Here is a graphic of the output of your factory.


    Simple enough, is it? The Y would be the output, and the X, the quantity of components, IE HV solar panels and recyclers. Every time you add a panel and a bunch of recycler, the X go farther right, and the Y further up, regularly, the more components, the more output of materials. This is not exponential growth. This is a linear curve, a linear system, an expendable factory.

    Here is an exponential curve.


    If your factory corresponded to this system, the first time you added a solar panel and a recycler, you'd have an output of one. The second, an output of 2. The third, an output of four. And it goes on, 8, 16, 32, 64, (Those are sample numbers) the output being bigger and bigger compared to the quantity of components. But this is not the case here, since a certain quantity of panels/recyclers correspond to a regular output. I don't really have an example of exponential factory on the top of my head, but I think it might be possible using frames and such to have a self-growing factory.


    You have earned 1 internet for that analysis, sir. XD

  8. IC2 Nuclear Reactor has two nice core concepts that are similar to commercial reactors - cooling and an assembly layout. However, that's pretty much where the similarities end and the stark pains of reality are abandoned for the fun of a game:

    • Fuel type (MOX vs UO2 vs Natural U) (Also tied into criticality)
    • Reactor type (thermal vs fast), also ties in to natural U or processed UO2/MOX
    • PWR vs BWR vs Sodium-Cooled vs Some other exotic scheme
    • Control rods (Tied to Criticality and safety systems)
    • SCRAMs / Safety Systems / Passive Safety Systems / Active Safety Systems (tied to Pumps too)
    • Crud buildup
    • Spent fuel management / reprocessing
    • An actual turbine (High pressure and/or low pressure)
    • Reheaters / Condensors / Pumps (Basically all of Mechanical Engineering stuff that any power plant would have)
    • Any notion of startup/shutdown procedures (External source startups / Control Rod Withdrawl)
    • Poisons (Xenon being the most well-discussed due to its role in Chernobyl)
    • Reactor Geometry (Hexagonal, Rectangular)
    • Neutron reflectors / absorbers (tied into criticality and safety)

    I could theoreticallybuild you a reactor, but it would cost a lot of money, the plans would need to be submitted to the NRC and approved (which is a lengthy process involving the public - i.e. your surrounding neighbors would get to chime in) and then there would be the problem of obtaining the capital investment to build the reactor (we're talking hundreds of millions to billions easily). Not to mention the fuel cycle issues you'd be seeing. I'm oversimplifying a bit as well. Plus in reality I wouldn't want to do core design or anything like that - licensing a design would be better from a vendor.

    All in all, you're better off just buying solar panels for your house by far.

    Dude, if I tell chicks I run stuff off solar panels they're gonna think I'm one of those weird anti-government conspiracy theorists. If I tell them I have a nuclear reactor, I'm gonna get laid by her and her friends and her friends' friends all at once. Can't you make me a small one that just burns uranium into electricity without all the fuzz? :3

    I'm jk though... I'd probably go to jail if it blows up. XD

  9. Exponentially? You're using this word, but I'm not sure you know what it means.


    Small scrapbox factory with MV solarpanel -> free materials out of thin air -> upgrade to HV solar panel -> more free materials -> add another solar panel -> even more free materials -> add another solar panel -> even more free materials -> add another solar panel -> even more free materials -> add another solar panel -> even more free materials -> add another solar panel -> even more free materials -> add another solar panel -> even more free materials

    Exponential growth. Specially if any extra power not used to burn cobble into scrap goes to a mass fabricator which makes even more materials. XD

  10. comcast has had what I would call a "silent cap" for a few years now. it's rather ridiculous to have such caps, but most people never hit them so the ISPs can get away with it. I think that will begin to change as things like netflix get more and more popular, and people start wanting to stream or download things in 1080p.

    in any case, I'd start watching what I was downloading were I you. it's pretty easy to avoid that cap. even though I get pretty much all my games through steam or other online distribution type things and torrent the occasional HD video along with a lot of youtube vids, I manage to not hit the cap basically ever. that includes things like downloading guildwars 2 (a lot of gigs).

    basically, don't download things unless you're going to use them. downloading stuff "just because" is kinda pointless to begin with, anyway. it's even worse when you've got a bandwidth cap.

    Jay?, that must be a lot of games you two are buying per month. either that or you're redownloading/reinstalling them a lot.

    Yeah dude. Mine has to be mostly Netflix... My servers aren't that popular.

    So I hit 100% yesterday and today I'm already up to 112%. F*** this. It's only the 22nd.


  11. Only x-ray really, but it's not difficult to track them down.

    Most Tekkit servers have EE on so it's not hard to get diamonds legitimately. Even without EE, just setup a cobble farm with recyclers and scrapboxes and you've got exponentially infinite diamonds. I'm not saying xray should be excused, but I'm more worried about flying and PvP hacks.

  12. Your avatar should say stupid veteran, not inteligent veteran. My eleven year old sister knows what a fiscal transaction is. And if she didn't, she's smart enough to look it up on the internet.

    Err... Excuse me ma'am Mrs. Keller, but you're the one with the stupid newbie avatar. I'm an intelligent veteran. I am also a lazy veteran. And I must've been causing too much ruckus in class at age 11 because I have no memory of 'fiscal transaction'.

    Anyways back on topic: write whatever you want on a text file, then write a program that switches to external output then loads the text file and prints it to the screen line by line. The one I have on my server spawn has 2 monitors per computer. :)

  13. You do realize there are an insane amount of free, and better, tutorials out there than anything you can give. Also, if you want to set up a fiscal transaction, I'd do it over private message.

    Or, you may have been joking... it's hard to tell.

    I was joking, LOL. I suck at teaching. People are dumb. Anyways what's a fiscal transaction?

    Been using LUA, since you were 10...

    That's highly interesting, since I started learning LUA at age 7, when I thought I could make a homework machine in my computer that could caculate all my math homework, but then I learned about the calculator.

    Nice! :D

  14. I run my sorting machines all inline in stacks. Before all of the sorters I use a few chests for unsorted items connected by a restriction tube. If there is no valid sorter destination then the items will default into the unsorted chest.

    For this to work you need to understand how tubes and sorters work in redpower 2: Items in tubes are delivered to the first valid destination... So EVERY sorter connected must have a set color with at least one item being sorted. If there are sorters connected to this line with colors set but no items, items will be sent to this sorter before any sorters further down the line.

    I set all of my sorters to any item mode. Hopefully this will give you another simple way of using sorters besides the default color mode for unknown items (though that mode is very useful for sorting to macerators, furnace etc...)





    You, sir, have a lot of stuff.

  15. What's wrong with regen?

    Are you using it correctly?

    It regens the selected terrain using a different seed. So I did a //restore from a backup and it restored the terrain fine, but it left it set as a grass biome so everything has a different shade of whatever color each block has. You know, 1.2 introduced a feature that allows the server to set whatever biome each chunk has and apparently WorldEdit didn't get the memo.

    And yes, the map was generated with the same MC/Tekkit version that I used //regen on so it's not a world generation issue.

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