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  1. So, to be clear, you deleted and re downloaded the technic launcher. but did you reset the pack specifically? Doing one doesn't do the other. As this incredibly bad image shows, these are the steps you need to take to actually redownload the pack itself '> First you click the little gear beside the pack name, then you hit reset pack, and then confirm. When you attempt to launch the pack it will redownload it fresh. Give it a shot and tell me if this helps solve your issue. My apologies if I've misunderstood and you have already attempted this..
  2. Oh, yeah! Sorry
  3. Yeah sure bud, this is the best resource that isn't a video I could find. http://minecraft-ru.gamepedia.com/Dragon_Mounts Unfortunately it is in russian but I was able to translate it and if you do too you should be able to figure it out! If not, I've transcribed the most important bits below: Water dragon - In the water. Fire dragon - On fire, or in lava. Aether dragon - On any tile, over about 300 high, above the clouds, make sure it stays up there while it hatches just to be safe. Ghost dragon - Total darkness, no lights at all. Might also have to be deep down, close to bedrock. Not sure but maybe dig down to be safe. Nether dragon - Just the same as the nether dragon as far as looks go as far as I can tell, hatch an egg outside of any of these other conditions. Oh and as for explaining them goes, I'm no expert so please excuse me if this is wrong. I don't have any real source for this so if someone who knew more could explain that could be great. I'm not sure the water dragon as any abilities but if there were I'd have to assume faster swim speed / water breathing. The fire dragon I'm pretty sure doesn't take damage from ambient fire or lava like the other dragons do. The Aether dragon is slightly faster than the rest, and the ghost dragon glows in the dark.
  4. Wow, no I didn't know that. That is really unfortunate. Thanks for explaining to me, appreciated.
  5. Yeah I'd prefer it if they would either enable the vehicles, or remove the ability to craft the parts for said vehicles. It's kinda misleading and while yes materials aren't exactly rare by any means, it can be irritating. Also I'm not sure what arch-typical mad scientist uses a dubstep gun but scoffs at a biplane. I think there is still an ongoing issue with hamsters not spawning as well as wolves so that could be the things to which he is referring. I'm also not sure if the darwin mod was adjusted so that the mobs from that mod spawn in other biomes than the beach one.
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