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Everything posted by eseven_

  1. IGN - eseven_ Age - 29 What makes you want to join this server - I'm looking for a quiet server with mature players to have a good experience playing without thinking about grief and dumb people. I play minecraft mostly to chill out and express my creativity. What could you bring to the server? I'm a pretty good builder and I have a quite deep knowledge of the tech mods in this mod pack. I can help people with these skills possibly. Skype - I'm not using a lot skype, but if it's needed eventually I'll give you my contact in pvt.
  2. what do you think about a mix of all of them? tonight I does a lot of testing because I want to find a "server friendly"solution for an energy plant that produce enough energy for something 12 bases on our small server. I tryied almost every of the possiblities you've talked in this thread, and I think that some of that could be mixed up and run several different kind of dynamos. I don't know yet if this is the best thing to do, but I think that not having a mass production of mobs/tree/crop farm it's better in therms of lag for the server. The concept it's almost this.. A relatively small cowfarm 5x5 area of fully grown cows that produce sewage both for producing industrial fertilizer (and maybe if there is a surplus can run a reactant dynamo), connected to another small second growing cowfarm with the chronotyper producing mobessence for a reactant dynamo, with the fertilizer, running a 5x5 jungletree farm that produce sludge for another reactant dynamo and wood that with redstone furnaces it's converted into characoal and goes to a steam dynamo (with aqueous accumulator for the water), then running a sugarcane farm and convert the sugarcanes into sugar as reactant for the reactant dynamos with cyclic assemblers and maybe if are too much using them as well with a bioreactor to produce biofuel for a compression dynamo.
  3. so bad, it's my day off, I was planning to build the new base..
  4. please know that if you update your java from version 6 to 7 on mac, this will delete the old version (6) and browser like chrome (that are not 64 bit) will not be able to run any java application. (hoping that google will fix this very annoying problem asap)
  5. you can also use a lava fabricator from minefactory reloaded to produce lava
  6. is the server down right now?
  7. I solved the issue manually selecting the build and I got an upgrade and now it's working.
  8. I am having trouble connecting, I got a message saying that some microblock blocks are not installed on the client, I played fine yesterday without any error, what's happened today? please reply asap (I am running the 1.09c)
  9. this mod seems to be perfect for that purpose, it also itegrate to project red 2 probably.. nice suggestion Loader. I hope the B-Team can look at this message and consider it.
  10. up please take a look at my suggestion, if it's a crazy idea, just tell me.. np
  11. IGN: eseven_ Age: 28 I play MC since the beginning, I played as king in a Towny server for about 1 year in a kingdom of 5 cities of about 50 players each. I am an experienced builder and redstoner and I really like this modpack because it adds a lot of possibilities to the game both for building nice structures and a lot of contraptions. I like to play in team with other good players to have a nice rpg experience without thinking to stupid people that play only to create chaos everywhere.
  12. Hi guys, in the last days I rebuilt the GenB's advanced storage system with the project red piping, I liked it so much that I wanted to try to improve it. My idea was to use this system as a portable storage system (imagine the possibilities if you could have everywhere in the world all of your items available, or simply storing your inventory being far from your base..), and I tryed to design a solution for this purpose. At the beginning I tryed to connect an enderchest to the piping system, but it seems that ender chests are not intended to be "sucked" by pipes or even vanilla hoppers, then I took a look at all the blocks available in the modpack and I found something in Random Blocks that captured my attention.. the block called "Player Interface", this block allow to access your inventory (and even choose which part of your inventory) and pull out or bring in blocks from or to it, I think it will works with pipes or hoppers, but the only obstacle to let this system work from remote, it's the activation. I found a very rude way to create a "remote control" using the mods included, using a c4 and its remote control for producing a redstone signal, that seems to work even from chunk unloaded (so even from long distance). Now that's the point. This modpack it's an amazing combination between improving both the experience of the exploration and the power of the technology. I think that the idea of a simple "cloud storage" system, made by just few blocks in a world so rich of variety of items could be a very interesting thing for all the passionate players of Attack of the B-Team, so my suggestion is to include a simple mod that allow to have a wireless redstone signal. In the meantime let me thank you so much for the awesome job that you are doing, taking care of this modpack, always trying to improving it and optimizing it for a better user experience. Hoping that this message will be read by many of you and tickle your mad scientists's soul. Good night crazy guys. eseven_
  13. IGN: eseven_ Age: 28 I play MC since the beginning, I played as king in a Towny server for about 1 year in a kingdom of 5 cities of about 50 players each. I am an experienced builder and redstoner and I really like this modpack because it adds a lot of possibilities to the game both for building nice structures and a lot of contraptions. I like to play in team with other good players to have a nice rpg experience without thinking to stupid people that play only to create chaos everywhere.
  14. thank you for the reply, can you tell me where is located the file of the keybinds and what's its name?
  15. Hi guys, I appreciate so much that you are always trying to add new features and fixing bugs updating the modpack, but if there is a way to keep the keys, because are a lot and every time that there is an update we have to reassign all. I don't like to complain too much because you all are doing a great job with this modpack but if you find a solution to this annoying problem will be a fantastic thing for all of us. Thank you.
  16. IGN: eseven_ Age: 28 Location: London - UK I play MC since the beginning, I played as king in a Towny server for about 1 year in a kingdom of 5 cities of about 50 players each. I am an experienced builder and redstoner and I really like this modpack because it adds a lot of possibilities to the game. I hope you can accept me to your server because I like that there's no pvp or grief allowed. I like to play in team with other good players to have a rpg experience without thinking to stupid people that play only to create chaos everywhere. I can't see the time to join your server. I do accept all of your server rules.
  17. why don't you guys ban the grief/pvp? this server it's pretty stable but there's some people that it's very stupid..
  18. exactly what I mean. I know that NEI it's a good help but it's a little triky for something and don't work for everithing.
  19. Hi guys, I want to give you a suggestion that I think could be VERY VERY useful to all those are using this crazy modpack. Why don't you publish ( maybe in the main page of the modpack, or even in the forum ) a comprehensive wiki of all the mods in the package? Maybe this is a very long work, but even if you publish a list of the relating wikis of every mod (the available ones at least), I think it could be a great things to do for all the users, because I think that googling every time you need to know something about an item or a recipe sometime is bit annoying. Thank you anyway for the great job you've done assembling this fantastic modpack, it gives to minecraft a new way of playing and I think in future it will became very popular. eseven_
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