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  1. Hey I'm wondering if the server is up for anyone cause I was thinking I just got terrible internet?
  2. Update to 1.0.7a Whenever it says that you either have to upgrade the Modpack or Downgrade it. Click the settings cog to the bottom left of the modpack in Technic launcher and choose Manually select a build and choose 1.0.7a. You probably already googled your problem so I'm probably no help.
  3. I just noticed the "Change Picture" Part of my profile...
  4. I hope I decide to stick with this server but I've already lost a base to grief, Another base to rollback, around 4 stacks of iron, 2 stacks of diamonds, A pulveriser, A redstone furnace. All of that to rollback ['Cept the First Base] . I will stick around put please decrease the time till the next save, Because alot of people spam bunnies or lag, Or just one person does it. Yesterday we managed to survive 3 crashes because NOBODY SPAMMED *Gasp! , Thanks to an Mod stopping it early by just Shhh'ing everyone. Or installing a plugin that Slows down the time till you can say something again like wait 5 Seconds. I like this server cause it has a small community and is just starting up, at least for this modpack, and I like it being PVE so I don't have to worry about trading with ppl or my base being raided before I have anything! And I like being heard by admins when I need help, Or Moderators. Oh and dubstep guns Really should be banned I like the music but I got killed and griefed by one,also someone could just make tons of accounts and vote No if they are trolling with them!!!
  5. Nope it's been up Of course I didn't get to play much with me not being able to get in but you just got on at the wrong time, sorry!
  6. IM trapped underground... I hear lava I cant move
  7. I'm going to repost on here as well as Business elite Forums, When I try to join the server My screen is black, I see the UI and Chat and stay in for about 5 seconds then It closes Minecraft, No error, No Crash, No This has stopped working it just Closes! Any Reply's or comments would help even just guessing, I'm devoted to this server so is my friend but he said That all of our stuff was gone even though it was protected and I would like to be able to at least check if he is right and we were griefed again...
  8. I Reset and it still doesn't work It doesn't screenshot even if I spam it it doesn't capture one quick enough I mange to stay in for about 5 seconds then it kicks me out but I do have some crash reports if it helps...How do I post it just Copy and paste the entire thing or drag and drop the outside? I've also posted my problem at your Forums hoping to get help
  9. I still am Having this problem, Of a normal minecraft screen with "Left Shift To Dismount" On the bottom then It kicks me out, It could be cause of my position or something, then it exits minecraft Like Closes it entirely not crash or kick me out of the server just BOOP.
  10. Minecraft name: Fal1outDud3 Where are you from?: Georgia [born In Indiana] Why are you applying?: I would Like to Make a Youtube Series when I have a new PC How well do you know the mods in this modpack?: I do most of the Tinkers Constructs things I'm fairly new to the Tech How old are you?: {Under 18} How often do you think you will be on the server?: All The Time if Possible, Mostly 4:00-12:00 Possibly to 3:00 AM Admire The Beauty of Typemanship By: Fal1outDud3
  11. Still happening I have downgraded to 1.5, still happens, 1.6a happens, *Sigh And I think I have been griefed again my friend managed to stay in for like 30 seconds then got kicked out again... and it says that your server only has one bar if that helps.
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