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  1. IRL name: Nicholas (call me nick) IGN: RebelWith_A_Hat Skype:d.rdisco123 how experienced are you with the mod pack:7 what do you want to do on the server: make friends and play games! why you should let me in: i consider myself quite knowledgeable when i come to the mods and i want to play games and have fun will i be recording: no, I'm really shy and you tube isn't the greatest place for that
  2. IGN: RebelWith_A_Hat Age:15 Youtube:None What you are good at: Building and helping people Why should i pick you: i love playing games and would love to be part of a small community to play bream with Time zone: u.s eastern Skype:d.rdisco123
  3. also why would you ban morph? its one of the key mods in this pack. DNA is hard to use and confusing, plus morph is just fun, i don't get your logic here
  4. ill join! my in game name is RebelWith_A_Hat
  5. irl name: Nicholas (call me nick) in game name: RebelWith_A_Hat Skype name: d.rdisco123 Age: 15 how experienced are you: 7 what do you want to do on the server: have fun make friends and play games! why should you let me in: i love video games and especially multiplayer experiences and i know quite a bit about the mod pack so i would love to help
  6. why do ban flans mod! and a crap ton of other things, i find it stupid that your restricting the fun my good sir
  7. mine craft user name: RebelWith_A_Hat age: 16 A bit about yourself: Ive been playing mine craft for a while and love multiplier experiences. i generally keep quite and you won't be hearing any trouble from me Why should you be invited?:I love attack of the B-Team and would love to be part of a small community to play with, i know about most of the mods and i love to help people. best regards~ WaffleLlama
  8. hey there! i just wanted to see if i could play on this server with you guys, i love playing multiplayer and would love to have our own small community to play with. my IGN is RebelWith_A_Hat and i would love it if i was to be accepted, I'm 15 and know a lot about the mods so i can help people if they needed it. my Skype is d.rdisco123, hope you get the message. bye
  9. i can't connect to the server, did it crash or something? when will it be back up?
  10. IGN: RebelWith_A_Hat Real first name: Nicholas contact: (Skype) d.rdisco123 Age: 16 Location: NewYork Pros: i love to play games with people and i think having a small mature community to thrive together in would be a great way to have fun Cons: school work so ill probably be able to squeeze in about 4 to 6 hours a night
  11. IGN: WaffleLamma AGE:15 have you been banned on other servers: no why you want to play on the server: i think it would be fun to know a small community and play together and get to know each other how well do you know the mods: not much but, a lot of the fun is experimenting and messing around with them so it should be a lot of fun why should you let me on: I've always loved playing with others and i think that this idea is pretty cool, id be a great addition to the community how often will you be on: 3 to 5 hours a day, on weekends about 5 or 6
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