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Everything posted by Dpierres

  1. My friends and I are looking for a good tppi server to join. The one we're on now lags too much. If I'm accepted most likely the other 4 guys I play with will join also. My IGN is dpierres and I'm 32. My friends are... llamadoh nocarrot untgrad qgonn I understand if you need to have them post a reply. We are all very experienced with Tekkit and find it way too easy to "win". We're looking for a stable home to play tppi. Thanks.
  2. IGN- dpierres I also sometimes use another character by the name of Private_Pilot but I understand if you don't want to whitelist both of them... - I just recently shut down a tekkit community I was running due to a decline in funding. - I enjoy playing and helping others learn. I would say ME networks are my favorite aspect of the game. - I have a lot of experience with plugins and running them on an MCPC based server. So if there's any questions about configuring something i'd be happy to give input. - I've always been attracted to smaller servers and like the idea of being part of a group. - I also fly airplanes David
  3. We are always looking for new players to join our server. Come check us out! http://fiveguysgaming.com
  4. Hopefully this answers your question. It is MASSIVE. You better have a good machine or get ready for some lag. I highly recommend not spawning one of these if it's on a server. I would estimate the base to be about 20x20.
  5. We have a great player base administered by our team of competent Sever Admins. We pride ourselves on growing with input from our members and look forward to seeing you in our world. Visit us at Five Guys Gaming. We are looking for mature players to join our community. There is no whitelist on this server. Sever Info IP- hexxit.fiveguysgaming.com No Whitelist USA- West Coast Survival PVP. Griefing is allowed Runs 24/7 Teamspeak ServerIP- ts3.fiveguysgaming.com Rules No Spawn Camping Do not hack/use x-rays No harrasing, derogatory remarks, name calling... Be mature Be respectful to other players and FGG Staff Do not advertise here Keep it friendly, we all want to have a good time Disabled ItemsEnder bow Plugins Essentials Factions Item Restrict Lockette World Guard World Edit Core Protect
  6. I have been using this setup since 1.2.8e Buildcraft pipes may be a bit dated but they still work just fine for what I need and are very efficient for my quarry system. Since there's doubt, I've made a video demonstrating my setup using Gold Transport Pipes with quarries and a Tesseract. http://youtu.be/zIzSFAk5ODo
  7. What world(s) are your teaseracts in? Can you post pictures of your layout and teaseract settings? What is the receiving tesseract connected to?
  8. That's incorrect. Tesseracts will work with buildcraft pipes. I set up a 4 quarry system using 1 Tesseract 2 gold transport pipes and 2 redstone conduits all the time. This is a top down view. QPQ CTC QPQ Q=Quarry C=Redstone Energy Conduit P=Gold transport pipe T=Tesseract Works like a charm. I'd recommend the gold pipes for speed though.
  9. Make sure the chunk that contains the receiving tesseract is loaded (chunkloader,dimensional anchor). If not, the sending tesseract won't connect to the other, causing the problem you have.
  10. There is another config file. It's called powersuits.cfg located in the "machinemuse" folder where all the configs are. If you don't see an option for one of the modules (to disable), you'll have to add it yourself by copying the line from the other config. I have done this on my server and it works. Just make your changes and restart the server and you should be good to go.
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