Ive done some searching and havent found a reason or solution to this.
I am running the latest Attack of the B-Team client and downloaded the latest server package. I run the server fine, all up and running perfectly. However, while everything else works (were avoiding known things that cause lag such as the Dubstep guns and so on, and it is only four of us maximum at any one time), we all notice that none of us can use the Morph mod. Whenever we press [ (the brackets), the little side-sqaure/interface comes out, but is completely blank. It will work for each of us in a singleplayer world (where it shows our character there given we have no morphs to go into), but on the server that box is completely blank, translucent and clear. No player icon shows in there. Also, killing things does not force us into a morph and does not show up in the sidebar.
None of us know why, although somehow magically one of the other guys got it to work for about 10 minutes (he cant remember what he did though ). Im wondering if anyone else knows the cause or how to fix it? This is really the only thing glitching out in the pack for us so far that we really would like to have. Thanks!
Update: Also notice the tree decay speed is back to normal as well on the server, instead of super fast like we each have in singleplayer