IGN: smash_8
Age: 28
Why do you want to join: I've been looking for a good, community type Attack of the B-Team server to play on for about a month now. I enjoy playing with people who like to have fun and interact with others on the server. I really wanted to start recording LP vids on youtube basically just for fun because I have the time now, but mainly cause I'm a big fan of a lot of the minecrafters on youtube and its something I always thought I could do and always wanted to try.
Strengths in Minecraft: I really love playing with the tech mods and I enjoy making the game work for me, but I love the idea exploring this modpack because there are so many FUN mods to play around with.
How many years have you been playing MC: 3 years
How much will you be playing: Usually daily, unless work doesn't allow me - 2-4 hours a day, sometimes more
Microphone: yup!
Will you be posting vids to Youtube: I'd like to
Youtube channel: https://www.youtube.com/user/smash8able/
PS...I'm a female if you are looking for more