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Dirt (1/9)



  1. I would love to join your server because the last one i went on i learned a lot about the mop pack and it went down so i would love to put my knowledge and skills to good use somewhere and do something that will look good and be cool. My ingame name in candycool1234 and my skype is candykewl
  2. IGN: candycool1234 Real name: Chandler Skype or form of contact: candykewl Reason: I've been looking for a great server to play on with people who are a community Previous Work, if any: I built a steam punk floating city with airships flying about
  3. In-Game Name: candycool1234 Age:18 Why do you want to play on this server: I've been looking for a b-team server and this looks like the best one out of the bunch What DO you like to do (Build, Mine, etc.): i love to Build and create different things people haven't done What DON’T you like to do: Pvp is one of those things i just dont like to do Experience with modpack (1-10): 7.95 What is love: But a second hand emotion Squirtle or Pikachu: Squirtle <3
  4. Could you restart the server, because its down now
  5. Minecraft Name: candycool1234 What country do you live in: U.S.A Will you be uploading to the youtubes: No, Not likely How many times a week will you be on: Try to fit it in where ever i can at least 3-4 times a week How old are you: 19 Do you accept the rules of the server: I accept them Do you agree to not steal from other players: Silly question obviously a Yes
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