1. How old are you? I'm 18 years old.
2. Where do you live? In Quebec City, QC, Canada. So my native language is french, but i'm almost completely bilingual
3. Are you new to mods? [Yes or no]: No
4. What do you plan on doing on the server? I plan on doing my own stuff, and interacting with the others too. Kind of like a single player, but with neighbours that are your friends too
5. How much do you play? I plan on being on the server at least once a day, for like 1h minimum. But i'm quite busy with school and work so there are times when i might not be on for a bit (a few days) but when i'm done with my rush, i'll be back on the server full time
6. Do you record for youtube? No
7. What is your Skype name? Reviiloz
8. Have you been banned from a server before? If Yes, why was you banned? No
9. Why do you want to join my server? I've been watching youtubers play on Mindcrack, and Attack of the b-team... and thought that it was great! The way they interact with eachother, trust eachother and have fun! So i've been looking for a server like that, so there's one right here!
10. Do you accept the rules? Yes i do.
11. What is your minecraft name? Kaboomx