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About Pride617

  • Birthday 06/17/1996

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  • Minecraft In-Game Name

Pride617's Achievements


Dirt (1/9)



  1. IGN: Pride617 Age:17 Why do you want to join: I am looking for a server to begin my YouTube channel on and a server that is not always down. Strengths in minecraft: I am very good when it comes to using architecture (modern and rustic) How many years have you been playing MC: 2-3 years How much will you be playing: as much as I can a day with a minimum of 2 hours on weekdays and all day on weekends. Microphone: yes Will you be posting vids to YouTube: Yes after I am welcomed on a server YouTube: https://youtube.com/user/SidewayzAdvantage
  2. It aint nothin but s thang

  3. I am online. I can not figure out how to set my status to online

  4. IGN: Pride617 Reason to play: I am looking for a smaller community based server where I can get to know the other players. I also am tired of griefing. I believe your server is perfect for what I am looking for.
  5. IGN: Pride617 Age: 17 TZ: Mountain Time Zone Why this server?: I would like to play on this server, because I would like to be part of a server with Mature players on it. I am tired of being griefed all the time. I would also like to be a part of a smaller server so I can get to know the people I am playing with and I don't like people who spam the chat.
  6. IGN: Pride617 USA Yes in the future 4 times a week Age: 17 yes Why steal when you can do it legit? The reason I want to be on a whitelisted server is because I don't like people stealing
  7. IGN: Pride617 USA Yes in the future 4 times a week Age: 17 yes Why steal when you can do it legit? The reason I want to be on a whitelisted server is because I don't like people stealing
  8. IGN: Pride617 I want to become a member of a community Favorite Mod: gun mod Age:17
  9. IGN: Pride617 Age: 17 No, I have not been banned from any servers I am looking for a small community based server where I can have fun, and not get my builds griefed while I am offline. I have played around with the mod quite a bit, so I am pretty familiar with the mod I can help other players on the server if needed and I can do some building and interior design for players on the server Every week day for at least 2-3 hours and every weekend as much as possible
  10. IGN: Pride617 Age:17 I want to play on this server, because I have been looking for a small community based server, where there are no immature little kids running around, no extreme chat spamming, and nobody destroying the stuff I build. I like being part of a small community and I would be willing to help others on the server.
  11. APP: I would like to join, because I would like to be a part of a community. IGN: Pride617 Favorite Mod: Tinkers Construct I am both a builder and explorer I am fascinated with building with the new blocks, and I love to explore with all of the new biomes in biomes o plenty. I have been playing around a bit with the mod now on non-whitelisted servers, and I feel I know them fairly well Age:17 Youtube: AddictedGamer
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